
Responses from tsushima1

Video, Why dont audiophiles listen to each other.
Raven Audio and Beyond...
OP … Listen to the impartial unbiased advice given by @tomic601 ​​@arafiq ​​​​​@jerryg123 earlier in this thread  
Where should the vocal image be?
In the main it will vary with disparate speaker design, and in the recording itself as @erik_squires originally commented on, variations in room treatment may also play a influencing role. In a same hypothetical room you are going to illicit vari... 
Where should the vocal image be?
@ozzy62  No No No …. The Delphic Orifice Oracle has spoken … Apparently you need to “Think About It”  
Video, Why dont audiophiles listen to each other.
🙄 🙄🙄  
Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear!
Well … He’s really only sucking up to his forum idol !  
2022 is almost here. Why are you here?
virtue signaling.…..      
Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear!
LoL @jerryg123 Its own affair looks like a 70’s porno Cinema house   
First tubes in 30 years
Can recommend some non-fatigue SMALL bookshelf for near-field listening?
@millercarbon will be along any minute recommending Tekton Moabs 🤣  
Recommendations Wanted
line level crossover for subwoofer
YAWN ….. So Tedious ”My advice is, don't put legs on a snake. You bought an amp specifically designed with the express intent of casting a spell. So, maximize the spell. Pair it with some proper SET speakers like Tekton Perfect SET, that are both... 
Basis Audio Fans
daveyf … Errr No, you were quite correct in your first  impression ,Condescending , You might also consider Arrogant and Narcissistic.   
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
@mapman … one prescient word was superfluous… ” Tekton is not in same class as the others.” FTFY 😀   
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
Your thread isn’t working out quite as hoped aye Ted 😉