
Responses from tsushima1

Synergistic ECTs
  “What do they do exactly?” “Here's what it says on SR’s website: etc etc etc “ Do they explain the science behind their product claims ?  
Newbie Needs Assistance
@soix    https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/ya-gotta-love-kevin?lastpage=true    
Newbie Needs Assistance
@soix  “@sns I’ve obviously got my head up my butt on this Raven thing.  What’d I miss?”   Quite a lot !    https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/prima-luma-fires-back-against-raven?lastpage=true    
Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?
@arafiq  Very nice indeed , a friend has a pair of Fritz LS 7 Illuminator‘s  
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MC  “Look around, the lessons are everywhere. Tekton Moab and other Tekton almost never come up for sale. ” *Really* Recently 997 https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=tekton Currently 32  https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=tekton Re... 
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“ I can see why you don't wear watches with metal links. I feel your pain too, bro” Indeed 😃 Akin to self Flagellum With my  Rolex,  Grand Seiko’s etc   
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@jerryg123    Merely running amusingly  ineffectual interference my friend …  
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Awww .. thats awfully nice of you Honey… I hadn’t the slightest interest in opening your little Linkie … buzz along now there’s a good familiar   
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@carlsbad   Just for you sweet heart …. Little ol me wearing another Breguet my 1475 … you may find it on The Watch Sub section of a HiFi forum far across the great water …    
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@carlsbad Unlike some Narcissistic personalities of your acquaintance I am not in the habit of photographing myself wearing my 2716  on New Year’s Eve … merely an illustration of my apparels on the day …you actually thought that was a real time ... 
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@tomic601    I must confess … 20mg of Amplidopine does play its part   
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@carlsbad I would consider ‘ Sartorially well dressed ‘ rather than obsessed to be more accurate …. My hand made cuff and timepiece apparel of earlier in the week 119/68 this morning thank you for enquiring  …          
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@carlsbad @tsushima1 Eric and Tekton are living rent free in your head. Hope your blood pressure is ok. “ Quite the contrary … merely a singularity transient moment of my day that affords me no little amusement to observe … akin to the popular ... 
Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?
  “Good heavens!! And I thought Tekty had the patent on the crayola franchise! Or did someone have fun with photoshop?”   WhooooooShhhhhhhh …. The sound of reality barely missing your cognisance Whilst the nod to modern marketing WB Color opt... 
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“Tekton Moab and other Tekton almost never come up for sale” I am genuinely beginning to Feel the mearest spark of Pity for You 😶   Errrrr on reflection Not