
Responses from tsushima1

What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
 Snake Oil salesman questions the Bona Fides of knowledgable forum member 🤣   
Why People Like Tekton
02/1/2022  “ I own AG Duos, Tune Audio Marvels, and Shinjitsu Acoustics.  I’ve also recently owned late model LavScalas.   i’ve also owned Pipedreams Model 21’s, MG 20’s, Sound Lab A1’s, B&W 801’s,  Martin Logan 15a’s, etc. My good friends ow... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
From your original list OP 1. Zu Soul Supreme / Stay with Devore 2. Volti Razz 3. Klipsch Forte IV 4. Fleetwood Deville           101. Tekton Lore ( give the drivers away to someone you dont like and use it as a    canoe)  
About users with hidden agendas
About users with hidden agendas
Only pulling your tail Wolfey 😀  
About users with hidden agendas
@wolf_garcia … You are MC and I claim my £5 😀 Woof Woof   
Totally overwhelmed (speakers under $5k)
It reads like you have already made your mind up   
The best cost no object tube DAC
I have found the LampizatOr DAC’s I have heard to be good for Crooner and Jazz however less so for Rock and Classical, too much emphasis on the second harmonic doesn’t make for a balanced performance   
Why People Like Tekton
Ride Of The Valkyrie section actually made be burst out laughing       
Why People Like Tekton
So one may Upgrade from a cheap Ghetto Blaster to one with multiple tweeters  that sound all over the place … Cool     
can it bee that audio research vsi 75 has lack of open highs/mid ?
@stone1  My apologies my post should reference Vs I 75 … The advise remains germane   
can it bee that audio research vsi 75 has lack of open highs/mid ?
@stone1  Were you to go ahead with purchasing the Ref 75SE I would highly recommend that you replace the pair of factory supplied new production Sovtek 6h30 Pi EB with genuine pre 1990 production Reflector Corp 6h30 DR  Genuine DR’s have become ... 
Why People Like Tekton
About users with hidden agendas
Oldhvymec “ I’ve caught audio2design a few times reinventing him/herself. There were a few that did it, trying to be a sneak, you’ll see a LOT of that around MCs post. They arrive like flies to $hit. “   Awwww Bless … as to the former adjective... 
Audio Research I/50
Having recently heard the I/50 integrated I feel that it represents superb quality for 5K , For my part I’m not so sure about the styling tho