

Responses from tomcy6

Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
Had I’d walked into a hifi shop unaware of this practice and a guy told me there’s a $500 fee for an audition, I would’ve been offended and felt insulted. Let’s be honest. The OP did not walk into a dealer and ask to listen to some gear on display... 
Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
@laaudionut asked: Sep-16-2020 What is the inconvenience fee associated with an in-store demo...fully face masked, of course?@smer319 replied: These are packed and put away. Can you tell me what kind of system would you want it demonstrated with ?... 
Member Almarg passed away last night
My condolences to his family and friends.  Al, I'm sure music is even better on the next level.  Enjoy! 
CD Review
Thanks, I'll check it out.  It's on Qobuz in 96/24.  Not DSD, but probably close. 
?? hi res recording studio practices
Most recordings made in the last 30 - 40 years have been recorded digitally, that means no tape used. It was recorded to a hard drive or some other type of digital storage.I’d guess that early on, when digital storage was more expensive, recording... 
Update on Audiogon Member Almarg
A good man.  He will be missed. 
According to the RIAA, It doesn't look good for physical media
This statement is misleading.The statistic of dollar amount of LP’s exceeding CD can be explained by higher pricing of LP’s per unit. Vinyl can be more than 2x the price of a CD.How is it misleading? I just stated what each format shipped in uni... 
Roon Certification News, Share
Does anyone know what this means for roon tested devices? 
Analog or Digital and why?
According to The RIAA, analog music sales (vinyl, tape, etc.) made up about 5% of music sales last year. The rest was digital, mostly streaming, but also downloads and CDs. Many of the LPs were sourced from digital masters.LPs will be around for a... 
What touchscreen panel is Michael Fremer using in this video?
It's a Meridian Sooloos Control 15.  It's been around for a long time.  You need Meridian music storage components to work with it.  I don't know if it's able to stream Tidal or Qobuz. https://www.meridian-audio.com/media/5609/control-15-data-she... 
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
Tubes and SS are a different paradigm. They approach producing music from different perspectives. My understanding is that tubes are a more visceral experience and SS more intellectual. This type of generalization is common in a variety of audio d... 
How much space between cables is enough?
tony1954, Don’t try to understand or debate millercarbon. He is a tweaker supreme and is certain that his way of doing things is the only way. If you don’t buy less expensive gear and tweak the hell out of it, you are stupid in his world. All twea... 
to my friends of AudiogoN,
Sorry to hear that your VA is causing you problems.  Isn't there someone to whom you can appeal?  Do you have a right to get a second opinion? 
Should music critics also be audiophiles?
Most audiophile magazines give recordings they review a grade for sound and performance and often discuss the sound in their review.  Many music magazines don't because people who care about sound are a tiny minority of their readers.Paul McGowan ... 
6922 tube
If you want to waste your money rolling tubes and hallucinating Here is where the trouble always starts.  People try to present what they hear with their ears in their system as universal truths instead of their personal experience.We could sto...