

Responses from tomcy6

What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service?
This is the knock on Andy, good tubes, great guy, but can be very slow.  I don't know if sending a check would speed things up.  I don't see how that would be better than a cc #.  There are other good sellers who get your tubes out faster than And... 
Rolling pre tubes question
I never heard of a tube with paper on it https://www.tubemonger.com/Brimar_CV4033_NOS_1960_62_Prem_CV4024_STC_Eng_FAC_p/2042m.htm  
Balanced Audio Technology MK-30 tubes. Alternative to Sovtek 6922
Tubes are graded better when they are lower noise and more closely matched. It sounds like you only need lower noise. I would call Kevin, Brent Jessee and Jim McShane and explain your problem. I think any of those three will be honest about whethe... 
6922 tube
mozartfan, I advise you to change the way you go about building your system.  I think I recall another thread where you were swapping between different tube types in the 12xx7 family of tubes without finding out if the different tube types were co... 
Looking for new to me Jazz music
Yes he was.  They put out albums in 2012, 2014, and 2016 as a septet.   
Rolling pre tubes question
Here is an explanation for the paper labels from the Tubemonger’s website, except your labels were printed, not handwritten. I would remove them if you can: *Each tube came with two factory stickers (click Larger Photo). A hand written individual ... 
Analog or Digital and why?
"What’s this either/or crapola?Too much like religion or politics.Bloody useless."It’s the world of one for whom life is endless labor in an economy of prestige and self affirmation. All social exchange becomes an opportunity to gain esteem and fi... 
Has Radicalizing the Rig Led to Revolutionized Listening?
I'm with you from both angles, gear and age.  As your gear sounds more natural, it's more enjoyable to listen to natural sounds than synthetic ones, especially with voices.When I was young, I wanted excitement from life and my music.  Now, I find ... 
Home ripping to flac
There are a number of music servers with cd drives for ripping CDs.  Innuos and Aurender are a couple off the top of my head.  How much do you want to spend? 
Pandemic Music
Nice video.  Good album too.  You have to admire Allison for keepin' on after all she's been through. 
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
mapman, Do you choose music based on how many Grammy or MTV awards it's gotten?  Well recorded music is the exception not the rule, and that makes sense from a record label point of view.   Why spend money improving the quality of recordings when ... 
Which SACDs?
n80, As stereo5 said, Acoustic Sounds has Pink Floyd and Jimi for $35 each with free shipping over $49. https://store.acousticsounds.com/c/8/Hybrid_SACDs This is full premium price. Nonpremium SACDs list at $30. You can also check Music Direct (Mo... 
Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
Streaming brought in about 75% of revenues for the record labels last year. So it will be around for a while.Streaming gives you access to millions of albums. You can buy the ones you really want a copy of that no one can take away. Streaming is g... 
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
With all equipment BOTW is a poor recording.  Am I wrong? No, you're right.  BOTW is a poor recording.  That is a problem with a higher resolution system, but for me the better sound on good recordings more than makes up for it. 
A Surge Suppressor Story
Thanks for sharing your experience.  I don't have a surge protector on my amp, but leaving a piece of gear costing thousands of dollars to the mercies of the local utility does worry me.