

Responses from tomcy6

Why so many angry audiophiles?
asvjerry, It would be better if you advised against discussing politics without slipping yours into the post. 
Non-Compressed Alternative of CDs
Hi kitjv. No you can’t assume anything. It’s all on a case by case basis. The dynamic range database: Album list - Dynamic Range Database (loudness-war.info)can give you compression info on specific releases. Music other than rock and pop is less ... 
Does Age Matter?
chakster, It's great that you enjoy record collecting, but that's not the only way to enjoy music with excellent sound.  I really find it hard to understand people who feel there is only one way to do things, their way.  We live in a time with mic... 
music of boy bands
The problem is you’re not a teenage girl. That music isn’t supposed to appeal to ancient teachers. 
Why so many angry audiophiles?
I suppose in practical terms, it is just bad internet manners.  We all get angry and post at times, but maybe we can just try to not respond to the worst offenders.  Maybe they'll get tired of talking to themselves and try to be a little more civil. 
Why so many angry audiophiles?
We have lost our way spiritually or humanistically, whichever you prefer.For some, it is not enough to have a great stereo system, yours must be better than everyone else’s and you have to hammer at that point until the losers admit it.We are amon... 
Lansche plasma tweeter replacement every 5000 hours.
b_limo, check your math.  40 hours a week for 2 1/2 years works out to 5200 hours, or replacement time for the tweeter.  I agree that 5,000 hours is a lot of listening. 
Does Age Matter?
I realized last night, when talking to the fellow who is buying my old Sota that it is the ritual of playing a record that is special. Loading a file is not. I can sit down with my tablet and my Roon and Qobuz subscriptions, start with somethin... 
Whatever happened to . . . (Audio Reviewers)
I thought Gillet passed away He resigned from the magazine on 12/31/2014 and I think he passed away not too long after that.I would like to see Corey Greenburg writing again.  The guy was funny in a laugh out loud way.  He could apologize for ... 
Does Age Matter?
I don't know why you're doing this, we already have several digital vs vinyl threads going and they all read about the same.If you want to know what's selling in the US, the RIAA reports it's about 95% digital (including streaming, which is about ... 
Wilson Alexandria x2 series 2 vs XLF vx Alexx?
The OP of this thread : My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each! | Audiogon Discussion Forum has been on a long journey through some very high-end gear.  He currently has the Alexx and I know he's had other Wilson speakers, so ... 
is Hi-Res all that?
The best sounding version of a particular album is a common topic on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums - Music Corner: (1) Steve Hoffman Music Forums It can take a lot of searching and reading to find what you want, but that's where sound quality i... 
How do you avoid buying new LPs that sound just like CDs?
The sound quality of many releases, vinyl and digital, is often discussed at the Steve Hoffman Music Forums. (1) Music Corner | Steve Hoffman Music Forums  
Just ordered a vpi avenger
If they didn't agree to bring it to your place and set it up before the sale, they probably aren't going to.  I would ask about you going to them and observing the setup as a first step in learning how to do it yourself. 
Opinions on Silnote Cables
Thanks for sharing your experiences everyone.  Sounds like Silnote makes worthy cables.  I wish there was an easy way to know which cables will work best in your system.