

Responses from tomcy6

System- so many questions
Agree the next step is upgrading your DAC. I have a Node 2 and it has 2 digital outputs, coax and optical. If you get a new DAC, you just run a digital interconnect (coax or optical) from the digital out on the Node 2i to the digital in on your ne... 
Media Choice?
There's no one format that you can depend on for best sound.  Sound quality varies from album to album so much that how well the album was recorded is the most important factor in sound quality.  From there, how well it was converted to various fo... 
What It Takes To Get An Audio Product to Market
So where would you expect to see an article on bringing an audio product to market? Car and Driver? Considering that this is PS Audio’s return policy: Return/Refund PolicyThe following only applies to US retail sales, which includes phone or inter... 
Media Choice?
I don’t think there are enough HDCDs around that this would be a good option for building a collection.Cds are generally cheap and plentiful right now so that’s a plus. However, many cds have been dynamically squashed. They are loud all the way th... 
Speakers Decide Which Amp Is Needed, Or A Tale Of Two Amps
Thanks for sharing your experience.  You seem like a very particular and thorough listener, but it would benefit us all to heed your conclusions.  I think that the best way to put together a system is to find the right speakers and work back from ... 
PS Audio BHK lacking..
Next is what should I expect to pay. There is a set of Telefunken 12au7 on line, new for $400. That’s high for experimenting. If you were sure that Telefunken was your favorite tube and that was a superb pair, maybe. You should be able to buy som... 
Why don't speaker mfg list amps and associated equip they use to " voice " their sound?
Agree with onhwy61, it would cause some users of electronics different from those used to voice the speakers to dismiss those speakers without hearing them. 
Should I bypass my Shunyata Hydra power conditioner?
It is often recommended that amps not be plugged into power conditioners because it can limit the amount of electricity available to them, which sounds like what is happening to you. There are power conditioners made to have amps plugged into them... 
Getting cd plastic film sheen off of cds
What caused the residue?  The protective liners (that would be a misnomer) or the ziplock bags?Cds can withstand quite a few cleaning solutions but you need to be sure about the one you use.  I don't think that there would be any harm in trying a ... 
Another streaming newbie
You may have to start a new thread to get responses for that.  This is an older thread not dealing with the M10 or the B&Ws. 
Another streaming newbie
The Node 2i is from Bluesound, the budget line from NAD.  It is a streamer/DAC, no integrated amp.  I think the streamer and DAC in the M10 are probably better than the Node 2i.  If you want to start shopping again, you could look for an integrate... 
Considering to move to a Devialet system.
That would be a pretty radical change in sound. I advise against it without hearing the Devialet. You may end up with a Devialet, but there are a lot of other smallish integrateds to consider.  Start a thread asking for the opinions of people who ... 
Martin Logan ESL 11A or ESL 9 with 60w integrated tube amp?
I had a pair of ML Summit Xs (powered woofers) that I first drove with a Pass XA 30.8 which puts out about 90 watts in class B into 8 ohms.  I thought they sounded fine until I decided to try a muscle amp with them. I got a 300 watt into 8 ohms am... 
My Music Format Odyssey
To me streaming is valuable for allowing me to discover new music or to listen to music once or twice that I find interesting but don’t want to own.It also makes music easier to enjoy when you don’t have to spend $10 to $50 to hear new music. It t... 
Beryllium Tweets
Don't be angry at beryllium tweeters.  give them a listen and if you like the speakers, buy them.  If you don't, move on.