

Responses from tomcy6

Update on Production of Western Electric Tubes
Per the article in Stereophile, the owner of WE, Charlie Whitener, said they currently have plans to make 12AT7, 12AU7, 12AX7, 6550 and 6L6 tubes. They also bought GEC/Gold Lion tooling which would allow them to make KT88, KT150, KT170 and KT190 ... 
Other factors affecting sound
Here you go, @kingharold:   Millercarbon’s The Audio Files It looks a little lonely over there. mc would probably appreciate your company.    
Other factors affecting sound
I miss Miller Carbon’s comments and wish he were back. I sometimes totally disagreed with him, but that is part of the fun. He also had a good dry wit. He has his own website now. You can get all the mc you want.  I don't recall the name of the... 
Streaming vs Physical Media
@lalitk Every streamer or server out there regardless of price simply benefits from noise filters placed in between server or streamer and your router. Yes, I have one myself. I believe the manufacturers should be able to do this better if it... 
Streaming vs Physical Media
@charles1dad  Thanks for the recommendation.  That Taiko server certainly looks well-built and unique. I haven't read the reviews yet, but I will.  I may have to wait for a good deal on a used one or until the tech makes it into less expensive s... 
Streaming vs Physical Media
How long is it going to take for the makers of streamers/servers to realize that all their hard work is being undone by a noisy signal and build a streamer/server that cleans up that signal?  It would be easier for them to do it once rather than h... 
Atma-Sphere M60 monoblocks + ML ESL 11 = Inferior combo
It’s not that the atma-spheres are bad amps, it’s just that they were not designed to power speakers like MLs. They are designed for easy to drive speakers and many people find they do very well in that situation.  This has been discussed many tim... 
12AT7 / 12AU7
YMMD Mine definitely does. Telefunken 12AU7s sound drab in my BHK preamp while Amperex 7316s sparkle.  It just confirms that there are no absolutes in audio.  
Listening in Original Chess Studios Recording Room
Lucky you! I hope the Blues Heaven Foundation can keep it open. It would be a shame to see that studio turned into a laundromat or something.  
Why are people paying these stupid tube prices?
I was told  by a reputable source that WE will be producing small signal tubes and power tubes .....not might, will be I would not expect them to be inexpensive.  
12AT7 / 12AU7
I'm not sure what you mean, syrupy and airy are kind of opposites.  My favorite 12AU7 variant is the Amperex 7316.  
A forgotten beauty with an amazing voice
Nice voice.  
Disappointing short life of NOS preamp tube
As George Harrison said, All Things Must Pass. I guess you should be glad it was just a tube and not you.  
What is this term 'analytical' ?
What does sterile sound like? What does character sound like? What does connecting emotionally sound like? About all I can add is that it is the opposite of musical. Have you ever heard a system that you would describe as more musical than most... 
What is this term 'analytical' ?
Let me add, all the notes and details are there, they just don't connect with you emotionally.