

Responses from tomcy6

God doesn't need to know what time it is.
@tylermunns You either don’t understand my question or don’t have an answer for it that you want to share. Either way, I think we’ve said all we need to say.    
God doesn't need to know what time it is.
@tylermunns You forgot to answer this part of my questions: Has your band ever been invited by one of the blues greats to open for him or has one of the blues greats ever opened for you? Does or did Buddy Guy, B.B. King or Muddy Waters enjoy ja... 
Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!
Guitar.com: Much more harmonic distortion is acceptable in guitar amp tubes than in hifi tubes – is this lower-fidelity sound reflected in the ease of the manufacturing process? Western Electric: “There is a need for better quality. This is yet a... 
God doesn't need to know what time it is.
I wish I had a dollar for every bar band or mom’s basement guitarist who thinks he can play better than Clapton. I would be a rich man. @tylermunns How much do you make a show and how far up the charts did your best album go? Has your band ever b... 
God doesn't need to know what time it is.
@tablejockey  I know that Ralph wasn't playing the guitar. I was just referring to the character he played  in the movie.  Ralph did do a good job considering the short time he had to learn the air guitar parts for the movie.  Your link to Arlen ... 
God doesn't need to know what time it is.
RC played the sweet Tele slide guitar for the soundtrack of the movie “Crossroads” in opposition to Stevie Vai’s demonic metal shredding in the final shoot-out between Ralph Macchio and Vai to reclaim the soul of his friend. You’re right that R... 
Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes
Made in America tubes would be nice, but they won't be inexpensive.  
Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!
It would be great if they eventually produced a complete line of popular audio tubes.  They seem to be intent on producing quality tubes, but I wouldn't plan on them being inexpensive.  
Esoteric k-01xd vs k-03xd
I have not.  There are some threads about the Esoteric XD series on the AudioShark Forums: Esoteric (audioshark.org) Here is a quote from a dealer posting there (Mike from Suncoast Audio): The historically speaking there wasn’t always a major ... 
T+A P3100HV pre amplifier review
I wish I had your ears.  The T+A gear is beautiful and sounds great. Those Germans know how to build electonics.  
If it does not work, read the manual
When all else fails, read the manual!  
Any tubes currently manufactured in the US, Japan or Germany?
100,000 people who died of drug addiction has nothing to do with a war on peace loving people. If that is how you justify things, good for you. I’m not justifying anything. I was just thinking that if we are going to judge people as insensitive... 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
I’ll accept Mike Bloomfield"s opinion of Clapton: The Rolling Stone Interview: Mike Bloomfield - Rolling Stone You were telling me that Eric Clapton was a perfect guitarist. What makes you think that? His attack is flawless, that’s one of the th... 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
People that knock Clapton for his studio albums are missing the point. His live playing is what made his reputation. Yeah there are lots of players who can play rings around him technically, but fill a stadium full of people bring out a bunch of b... 
Any tubes currently manufactured in the US, Japan or Germany?
Thousands of people killed in Ukraine and more dying daily and the tube guys worry where their next tubes will come from. Really? 100,000 people died of drug overdoses in the US last year alone.  Millions of people live lives of degradation due...