

Responses from tomcy6

MoFi controversy
@clearthink I guess that people can disagree on whether MoFi calling their vinyl mastering process Ultra Analog and not disclosing that the master tapes are converted to digital is lying or not, but it’s not being open and straightforward when the... 
MoFi controversy
@optimize Dynamic compression is not an overlooked problem. It is discussed often here and on other forums. It is by far the biggest problem for digital formats and is contributing to the vinyl resurgence among audiophiles. There is little we ca... 
MoFi controversy
Thanks @twoleftears .  I'll definitely read it.  Should be interesting.  
MoFi controversy
Thanks @twoleftears .  I thought maybe they had put something up about the MoFi story.  It will be interesting to see if they have anything to say about it.  
MoFi controversy
I haven't read through all the posts, but have people also seen the recent article in Absolute Sound? @twoleftears  I can't find it on their website.  Do you have a link?  
MoFi controversy
In order to be transparent (very important in this discussion),, I have learned that Chad Kassem, owner of Analogue Productions, only does reissues of albums that he can get the master tapes for at his facilities. So, I was mistaken in my earlier ... 
MoFi controversy
I don’t buy vinyl but there are some facts that should be stated before this takes off. MoFi takes a modified tape deck to wherever the master tapes they are going to reissue are stored (I’m sure that most labels don’t let the master tapes of the... 
Newbie seller
There are a lot of problems in the mail/shipping business these days.  I would contact the buyer and see if he received the gear first.  If you have the money from the sale I doubt that an insurance claim is going to be approved.  
Analog vs. digital
Digital recording can ’look’ good at first glance, but if you are familiar with live sounds and have a good ear you will agree with my statement. Not a single note right. Some people just have trouble with the concept of of individual differenc... 
IsoAcoustics Gaia w/MAGICO
@vule I don't think many people will spend 2 1/2 hours watching the podcast you linked.  Could you summarize their findings for us?  
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
@rumi  A good home system can make mediocre recordings more enjoyable to listen to, and there are a lot of good sounding recordings out there in spite of the record companies' best efforts to avoid this.  We would really appreciate it, though, if ... 
How Audiphiles are Different
I agree with you erik. Your OP is well thought out and stated. It is apparent to me that no two of us hear the same or enjoy the same sound or music. The idea that there is one right system or type of music or sound that is best for everyone is mi... 
And a Happy 4th to you all!
Happy Fourth, everyone! Treasure our freedom.      
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
There are so many good recordings in every genre of music that we will never have time to listen to them all. So, no we are not chasing our tails.   
Mark levinson 532h and 531h
No, I haven't noticed that but I know that he liked it when he had it in his main system.  One thing about it he liked is that it sounded really good at low volumes.  I don't know if that helps at all.