

Responses from tok20000

What is your most beautiful component?
This could be my first thread that gets over 1000 views.Man am I stoked.:-)KF 
Lost in the Powercord Jungle
I like Virtual Dynamics AC cords a lot as well (I have three Nite AC cords in my system now... all I can say is wow!). However, I still think you should dabble with some lesser power cords so you really know what kinds of differences their are bet... 
Upgrade Question
Get a nice power cord for the digital source. Spend $550 or so on a used Virtual Dynamics Nite AC cord, and you will not beleive the positive sonic impact it will make on your system.KF 
Lost in the Powercord Jungle
Jsteigert, I know Dan's system is sensative enough to respond by a long shot. He has some very nice pieces in his system. Just putting a great power cord on his ML transport would totally transform his system's sound (I have a friend with a ML tra... 
Lost in the Powercord Jungle
Peersonally, this might sound like very strange advice, but I would start by trying out some inexpensive ($100-$300 used) aftermarket cords. Get a couple used here at Audiogon for 50% retail or so. See what you think of these cords. If you hear so... 
1950-2000: The 10 Greatest Songwriting Teams
Simon and Garfunkle were pretty good.I think they should be on any top 10 list.KF 
Rebuild Troika or new Kontrapunkt b
You realize there used to be (and maybe still is) a Russian beer called Troika. It was actually not bad, and very, very cheap.KF 
PayPal Question.
I personally have never had a bad experience with Paypal. Paypal is great for transactions under about $500. It is especially good for transactions less than say $100.Over $500, and you might as well overnight a certified check. Paypal's fees beco... 
EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...
Jm88439, I would love to hear your opinions of the Ayre vs. the GamuT (or the Ayre CDP in general). I think it is awesome you got to demo the GamuT, you should share your experience with us on the GamuT. I do agree that the EMC-1 is built like a t... 
EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...
Jm88439, I agree. I have not heard the EMC-1UP. However, the EMC-1UP is $5500+ retail. The Ayre is $2995.00 retail. I'd really hope the EMC-1UP is a better player than the Ayre CDP due to it's nearly double retail price. I am not going to say the ... 
Which would you rather have?
Martin Logans if I have the electronics to drive them well, and have it sound good.KF 
Ultimate outlet or Tice solo high current
The company Tice is up for sale. Who knows what their future is? I would stick to PS Audio.KF 
If your CD's are harsh, try this
Cdc, a copy done with a CD burner is a digital copy, and not an analogue. The CD medium itself is a digital medium and is not analogue at all.KF 
Strangest Tweak?
Waterford Crystal Goblet TweakKF 
EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...
Drubin, you need to list your system here at Audiogon or at least list what your equipment is if you are going to say you do not like a product. Why? Because it puts things into context. Because we have met, I know you were comparing the Ayre CX-7...