
Responses from tmsorosk

how close in sound can a tube and ss amp sound ?
In some cases very close . But who wants that . I went from solid state to tubes and back to solid state . Both have advantages and disadvantages , one is clearly not better than the other . Buying upscale equipment usually fixes the weaknesses of... 
System Placement Question
Components are made to run warm to hot , i would not worry about them . Speakers are different thing , If the rad is making them hot to the touch , you may be able to build a deflecter , so the heat from the rad radiates away from your stuff . 
Cover Up for Light Oxidation?
Be careful with strong chemicals , Aluminum has a type of plastic coating , once its removed the alloy will discolor and attract dirt at an alarming rate . 
Best Hobby related purchase of 2010
Although it wasn't cheap , the money best spent was without a doubt the Ayre KXR preamp . 
Most soulful female vocalist
Sfar .... After rereading my question I can see the confusion . I meant the singer more than the genre . A few responders mentioned Aretha , granted she was the queen of soul , but did her voice have that warm , stirring , willowy , soul sound . S... 
Cover Up for Light Oxidation?
No fix that Iv'e found . Black face can be even worse . 
Can you overpower a speaker
Do you really want anything shoved at you ? An overly forward presentation may not be welcome after a while . Know matter how closely I matched things , there was always a slight slurring , it was not something you could here right away . And the ... 
Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?
To couple or decouple , I'm sure this will be settled quickly . 
Can you overpower a speaker
Quality before quantity . Bi amping can be hard to make work well . Many folks , including myself have spent considerable time and money setting up bi amp systems only to prefer and return to a single . I was using two Levinson 200w amps , the ext... 
Hovland HP 100 - owner insight needed
The HP 100 , coupled to a Levinson amp and B+W Silver 30 speakers was one of the most memorable moments in my long audio history . If it had remote I would have purchased it . 
Upgrading from Ayre Vx5e to MXRs on Revel F52s
I don't think you can beat them . I also owned the F52s , I miss there punchy mid bass . 
Contact Enhancer Deterioration
A clean and dry connection is the only way to go . 
D'Agostino Interview
Just what we need another hot running amp . I guess it makes cents , A friends Krell runs hotter than any tube amp I've cosyed up with . 
Have you ever got emotionally attached
Yes . But once I hear something better it's the punt . 
Audio Supports
Since 3 spikes are better than 4 , would 2 be even better ?