
Responses from tmsorosk

Natural and Neutral could be boring ..
Neutral and natural does not equate to boring and uneventful . quite the opposite . If a system is not neutral it will obscure detail . Thin and flat is another thing . 
transparent cable sound signature
I use T.A. Ultra speaker cables and have found there best atribute to be bass impact . Also us a M.M. Reference power cord , had a hard time finding a home for it . Ended up with it on the Levinson DAC , I would have to say the power cord was hard... 
Digitalmeisters - Thoughts on Olive.....
Forgot to mention , I had to get VISA involved to get the money back . 
Digitalmeisters - Thoughts on Olive.....
My Olive 04 stopped working after a few days , and was returned . Cost me almost $500 with restocking charge and shipping , Sound quality was not that great , even with a DAC . 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
Mrtennis ... $1000 is more what the 5400 is worth . I'm glad you see this . Ive heard the 5400 many times in a few different systems and its not close to either Ayre players . 
how close in sound can a tube and ss amp sound ?
After reading all these posts I'm starting to think I'm the only one thats been buying the right sized amps . The only amp I can recall that clipped was 30 years ago , A very large Sansui receiver . I guess since then Iv'e been purchasing the righ... 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
Elizabeth ... What part of Switzerland would we be going to . And will there be a music store . 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Todays state of the art is tomorrows ruble . 
Levinson 360 vs Benchmark
Tried the Benchmark recently , it was no match for my long term reference Levenson #360 . Levinson was much smoother and more detailed . Ive had it for many years without a problem . Works well with my computer too . I liked the Benchmark too , bu... 
Your homemade tweaks?
Stereophile had a column called Fine Tunes , that ran for years , till J10 left . It was about no or low cost tweeks , I learned an amazing amount about tweeks and how to separate the good from the bad . Best column they had . I sill use there for... 
Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics
It all sounds too goofy to me , but then Ive had the smurk wiped off my face many times before with tweeks and such . Don't knock it till you try it . 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
I'll go along with Elizabeth . The LP was none in 1983 , or so the story went .I for one , bought about 100 CDs this year and a new mid fi CD player , ( Ayre C5MP ) and have no intension of giving up on the format . On the flip side of that , the ... 
how close in sound can a tube and ss amp sound ?
Do you want to judge an amp on how it sounds when its clipping . If it clips at the levels your using it at , you bought to low powered an amp . 
Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.
Ayre KXR pre amp . I smile in disbelief every time I here it . 
What to do with bad recorded CDs
They make good drink coasters .