
Responses from tmsorosk

Amps Always On - System Power Up Sequence
Tan43... Thats the way I do it , everything is on all the time , volume is down at night . Break down rate seems to be non existent . Been doing it this way for years . 
What CD Palyer
Whats your budget ? Do you prefer a softer sound or more detailed . 
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems
Unsound.. Glad to see someone hears what I do . A friend and I were talking about this , since he has high sensitivity ( 94db ) speakers , so we are going to put it to the test , and see if my mid sized solid state amp ( Levinson #431 , 200wpc ) w... 
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems
Sorry , should have said High sensitivity speakers . One of the above posters mentioned amps , and yes now that I think about it the high sensitivity speakers that friends use are being powered by low powered amps . 
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems
Viridian ... Your right , you are entitled to your wayward misconceptions . 
Simaudio Moon 600i vs Lsa statement
I heard the 600I at a mutual friends , and thought they were very musical and nonfatigueing , not like good separates but very close . They seemed to be a great match for his Revel Gem 1's . Have not heard of the LSA Statements so you want to have... 
Is age bad for solid state amps?
Iv'e had decent Solid State amps for 38 years and the only issue I had was a blown fuse , do to my own duefesness . I leave them turned on all the l time . 
Sonus Faber Stradivari amp: X600.5 or X1000.5 ?
160watts into a 92db efficient speaker should reach 114db . 
Sonus Faber Stradivari amp: X600.5 or X1000.5 ?
I agree with Raquel for the most part , some bigger amps loose finesse ect , but some mid efficient speakers come to life with lots of power , not so much watts as current . You said you listened to the X350 in your system , it's twice the watts o... 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
There are more hi end C.D. players being made now than ever . C.D. sales have slumped , but has the sales of hi end C.D.players ? 
Which line conditioner is best for my situation?
Another vote for Shuyada . You can't go far wrong there . 
Most soulful female vocalist
Forgot about ... Holy Cole 
transparent cable sound signature
Hello Thenis... To answer your question , I have never felt the Transparent wire is bright . I have used transparent with Mark Levinson , Audio Research and now Ayre , with no sign of brightness at all . I'm not a big fan of there power cords , bu... 
Upgrade with best price/performance ratio
Thats easy , dressing cables , costs pennies , cleans up the sound . Down fall is that in an elaborate system it can take days . 
What equipment do you most regret parting with??
Have to agree with Uraniumcommitee , all purchases made were an upgrade , there's no going back . Careful product choice is the key .