
Responses from tmsorosk

Best beer
Free and cold would be good but what if it tasted gross? 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Hornguys,,, Same with my ex. 
Why is the market for used Levinson amps so slow?
Sgr,, I apologize if my responses upset you , it was not my intention. I am not questioning your experiences, your posts sound very credible and true. But our experiences with ML are quite different, I hope you can see and respect that. 
Why is the market for used Levinson amps so slow?
Maybe it's a geographical thing, Threshold was not well known around here. 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
And that just what I've been doing. 
Why is the market for used Levinson amps so slow?
Charles1dad,,, I have heard of some problems with the 300 series and as you said not everyone had this problem, infact I might suggest that only a few had a problem. My #332 was 10 years old when I sold it to a friend, it's still working without i... 
Best Jazz pianist
After seeing 77jovian's mention of Dave Brubeck, I had to go give him a long listen. He gets my vote. 
Preamp possibles for system...
I too will through my opinion behind Ayre products. Although I ended up purchasing the latest C5 model I did bring home the C7 and thought they were both as natural sounding as anything I've heard, including analog. 
Worlds best DAC
DAC's have improved greatly over the last few years, it's most noticeable from the highest end of the industry. Although the differences may at first seem small, the removal of many digital artifacts makes the overall event much more relaxing and ... 
Why is the market for used Levinson amps so slow?
I don't think we have established that there is a problem. I've owned seven ML components in the past 15 years and have had no reliability problems, other than when two fuses blew in a power amp, do to my own incompetence. I recently traded up a #... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon did not demo the newest Supreme fuse that I found considerable better than there first two efforts. There were some measurement tests on fuses on one of the zine sites that were very interesting and enlightening, don't recall which one. What... 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Yes good and bad, but it's been mostly good, and my audio purchases and passion for music continue unencumbered. 
Shunyata Triton
Rgs92, you plug your amps into your conditioner? 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Yeah but you haven't seen her. 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Sorry, but when I was checking out some old but excellent posts I came across this and couldn't resist. It may be a three year old post but my ex still comes over to torment me after 15 years. She's been a close friend of my currant better half si...