
Responses from tmsorosk

Is it time to upgrade
Had to comment on Mr.ts response. I too had a system back in the seventy's that I felt was excellent and at the time was bowled over by it's sonic merits. But I think if we compared it today to my current system we would be quite shocked by it's d... 
What's with all the Sony 5400ES units for sale?
Good components don't get traded often. Any audiophile thats worth his salt will know when he has something special and hang on to it. I owned the 5400 for over a year and although it's sound was fair enough for it's price, I always walked away fe... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
I don't think there is any way to acheive live music dynamics in a home environment. As you said large speakers and big power will likely get you the closest if thats what you seek. A sub or two may help if your current speakers are bass deficient... 
Beware MSS Hifi, avoid Fraud
I heard they went toes up a short time ago. 
Why aren't current country albums on vinyl
Hillbillies don't do vinyl. 
Revel Salon after B&W matrix 800? or Wilson Witts
I've owned the Salon ones for a long time, still haven't heard anything to make me want to trade them in. I'd really have to be nit picky to find a fault, and I have tried. I did do the tweeter upgrade. 
An SACD question
Thanks Mr. T. for turning this thread into a, ( tubes are always better than solid state thread ). Personally I've weaved my way away from tubes and all there sonic issues. 
amp for b&w 804 "s" with htm4 "s" 200 watts....
A friend has B&W 804s driven by a pair of Classe' CT-M 600's, one of the best low buck system I've heard. 
Cable Upgrade: Too much transparency
Not too transparent but maybe too revealing. Good cables can highlight problems else where in your system. 
What stereo amp sounds better than digital monos?
" Can't afford $5000 super high end basic amp " LOL. Thats a good one, I thought $5000 was in the lower mid category. 
An SACD question
Good point Mrtennis,, I use Audio Research's latest greatest DAC ( DAC8 ), the sound is not like SACD in many ways but it is very good. I hate to say it's analog like, as those terms get used far to loosely, but the sound is far beyond using the C... 
shunyata king cobra cx or ztron python
The K.C. is a bit softer and smoother, the Zitron is more detailed. So no real winner, and the preference is yours. I'm not going to share more than that. 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
Not true, electrostatics do not usually sound good a low levels, quite the contrary. Low efficient speakers with high output amps are what you are seeking. 
Best beer
Tried a new beer tonight called Ghost, very nice, still trying it. 
Can my amp drive the Paradigm Studio 100s
Another thing that hasn't been addressed here yet, that is of great importance is the size of your room and the level at which you listen. Another consideration is that all amps are not created equal when it comes to power ratings, often a 100 wat...