
Responses from tmsorosk

Question about Audiogon.
No I haven't tried that . Where do you find your page? I went to my page, but couldn't sign in as my info is already in there system. 
Richard Gray and Transparent: compatible?
Nothing wrong with Transparent, but get rid of the R.G. equipment, are entire audio club has shed themselves of this garbage. 
How far apart are your speakers
My speakers are 9 and a half feet apart and about 11 feet from the sweet spot. Most people use the equal triangle or 80% triangle method. There are many books on speaker sep up, thats the best way to start. 
When to go solid state vs. vacuum?
I have nothing against tubes , I still use tubes in my second system. My main system has slowly gone all solid state, didn't plan it that way but when I auditioned each component for upgrade S.S. just sounded best, and less hassle, no tube changes... 
Unusual TAS bomb
I still can't fathom the writer finding it unmusical, as I said above I listened to every available DAC at the time ( most at home ) and found the DAC 8 the best by far and the most musical. I found it less warm than the tube DAC7, but less colore... 
Ayre KX-R and Pass Labs X 20 comparison ?
Hello Philip , Cd player is an Ayre C5mp, DAC is Audio Research's DAC8, there introduced to each other by a Shunyada ZYTRON Python A.E.S. digital interconnect, Power cords are Shunyada Anacondas. Analog rig is a SME 20/12 , Manley Steelhead phono ... 
Would you trust a local dealer to help you put
Wow Mr t, you really want to make that statement above? You make yourself sound like a narrow minded no it all. I apologize if you've had a stroke or some such. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
I always chuckle when I read these posts comparing a smaller system to a healthy one. I suppose a $42k system could out perform a $200K system, but only if the $200K system was not properly setup and synergised. Kind of like saying your Yugo out p... 
Revel Salon 2 Amplification Questions
Interesting how you prefer to using a tube preamp and solid state power amp. I always felt that combo would be good technically, but found out other wise when I tried it with a few of my systems. Synergy is such a big thing I don't think we can pa... 
Revel F52 and Bryston 4B SST2
The Bryston 4B SST2 will work fine with the F52's. But you'll find a Levinson amp, even an older one will be a big step up. I had the F50's for a few years and at one point drove them with a 4B. 
Unusual TAS bomb
I found the review interesting. But having owned a DAC8 for the past year didn't agree with there findings. I listened to every DAC I could find including some astronomically priced ones, most at home and went with the DAC8 by a long shot. Musical... 
A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?
I'd checkout and listen to more speakers, it's clear your not happy with what you've heard. 
krell amp and preamp keep for life.....
I liked my Krell KSA-50 and other Krell gear too when I owned it. But making the occasional upgrade is what keeps this hobby interesting. 
Laying it on the line
Don't agree with most of your prospective. But I guess were all entitled to are own $20,000 worth. 
French Speakers?
Buconero117,,, said, "quality is poor, valve is non existent, and service will never happen". I couldn't disagree more. Focal has always been a great company to deal with and there quality and price is well above average. I'd like to no which mode...