
Responses from tireguy

preamp vs. no-preamp
KF- If you are not famaliar with Jena Labs and are still searching for the holy grail-in cables- you owe it to yourself to try them. Me, along with everyone else I know who uses these cables feels we are off the upgrade path- yes they are that goo... 
Magnepan vs. Martin Logan
Cwlondon- couldn't have said it better myself! 
preamp vs. no-preamp
My experiences are exactly oppostie of Keith's, I have tried a few pre amps and always found running direct to be better. I in fact did use a CJ Art series I and compared it running direct and both I and the other audiophile listening agreed the C... 
Do you leave your SS amp on all the time?
I now leave mine on all the time, as the first poster stated, if I will be out of town or a bad storm is coming through I power down the system. That being said my amp has been on for a little over a month now straight. 
Where are you? Do you know what your FM is doing?
Upstate New York Albany area, the only thing I listen to is a public radio station that plays classical- worth investing in a tuner?? that's a tough call, I listen all day at work with a grin but prefer higher fidelity during the evenings. 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
Artar1- Thanks for the input I think you may be right partially about my complaints being related to the no preamp in my system, I have how ever heard the audio aero run direct in two other systems and they did not have this problem, they were als... 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
Artar1- I do enjoy the VK-500 an aweful lot, how ever I found myself wanting more body in my vocal's and a slightly wider sound stage. Don't get me wrong with this amp I have gotten closer then ever before to audio nirvana in my system, just after... 
CES 2003 - Any Audition/Picture Requests?
Mike- Sounds great! I am a little bummed that I can't make it out this year, but work still comes before playing- I need to get my priorities straight! 
B&W N805 vs. Revel M20
Seth- How's it going! I have heard the 805's but not the M20's, I have friend who is a big monitor guy and he preffered the Dynaudio Contour 1.3 over both of your choices and recently upgraded to the Jean Marie Reynaud(sp?) trenta and is in audio ... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
I just can't figure out why Ernie is even considering getting rid of his current EC player for the new EC unit, if had half the problems he did I would set the unit a flame and through it through Alan's window(he couldn't trace it back to me due t... 
Men & Women & Bass
Zaikesman- well now that you mention it there was one thread were my fondness of ported speakers came up(no pun intendid), if you follow me ;) gosh yur speakers are purty. 
Sony 9000es with DAC annoying lock/unlock
I used a 9000es like that for a while and I don't recall what the button is called, but you can press a button on the unit when there is no disc playing(i.e. it can NOT be done on the fly). The button is really small and hard to press but it will ... 
CES 2003 - Any Audition/Picture Requests?
Go to the AVN awards and get some pictures :)It would be nice to put a face with so many of the monikers I have become familiar with here at the 'gon so if you see Mike shooting pictures shake his hand and tell him to snap a shot- you could try to... 
Review: Audio Aero Prima cd CD Player
Warren- I am very doubtful you are getting 90% the performance from the capitole, the prima I am told is a great player for the money how ever it doesn't use the anagram chip, which is where a lot of the magic(not to mention expense) of the capito... 
Joan Osborn sounding good.
Gosh that's a name I haven't heard in a LONG time, seeing as I am snowed in and growing tired of the same old tunes, I will dig her out and take a listen(to the cd that is).