
Responses from tireguy

Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide
I think its time I set the record straight as well, mine is prononuced "tire guy" and no you can NOT put a "d" after the "e" or replace the "u" with an "a". I must get 5 emails a week asking how my moniker is prononuced, now this will end the turm... 
Anyone in Vegas listen to the Gilmore speakers???
Steveallen- I think you are mistaken Ron Jeremy is alive and well- I think your reffering to John Holmes ;) Now back to the Gilmore's! heh heh 
Anyone in Vegas listen to the Gilmore speakers???
Cwlondon- I agree with everything you've said minus that last statement, have you ever seen Ron Jeremy? I rest my case :o) 
Gear NOT in your audio system - what do you like?
Tenor, Kharma, Pathos, Merlin, Soundlab and Bose ;) are a few that come to mind. 
name this CD player please?
Look here I think Kleech is right, it appears to be the Classe Omega SACD player. 
Best sounding SACD's to show-off system
Jtinn- I wasn't aware the party ever started :o) 
Where R U?????
Wpuppy- Is that magnetic top of the world or actual top of the world? :o) 
XM, Serius -- Quality Sound?
Hey Rob, both are compressed audio formats so sonically they are not the "best" sound available. From my experience they are better sonically then FM and light years better then AM but not as good as CD. Both formats have there ups and downs if it... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Scotch fans, any suggestions for me, I really enjoy Laphroaig 10 and 15. I do not care for Glenlivet(12 and 18 are the only ones I've had) that much and have tried a few Glenmorangie's and while they are MUCH better then Glenlivet's to me- they st... 
About the EMM Labs DAC
Michael- Those stands look real nice!! Let me know how they sound when you get them into your system.Justin- Now this is just what I am told and I don't believe it any more then you do, but..... The DCC2 Dac's should be shipping by the end of the ... 
Jena Labs - Any experience?
Hello, if you search Jena Labs you'll find that I post the same thing almost everytime.... I am HUGE Jena Labs fan, IMO her cables are the best regardless of price. These cables do not color or alter the sound in any way, if something doesn't soun... 
About the EMM Labs DAC
To Rsbeck: Amen Tireguy. mind as well be cliché ;) 
Favorite all-in-one remote control?
One of my audiophile friends has a Pronto to operate his complex HT/stereo system(its 1 system for two purposes). I must admit I am by no means a remote control person or a techno gadget nerd, however, that thing is pretty neat. It can do ANYTHING... 
About the EMM Labs DAC
Gladstone- Of course you would :o) 
About the EMM Labs DAC
Like Panorama I have had no problems with my transport. I've had mine on for the last 3-4 weeks, 24/7 with no problems at all. With the MACE chip update all problems with the SACD1000 are gone, this upgrade is performed when Emm labs modifies thes...