
Responses from tireguy

SACD hybrids bad policy from Sony/Columbia?
I've heard DVDa many times and it does not approach the level SACD(DVDa always sounds dark and veiled to me). I'd be willing to bet if you heard Emm labs gear with SACD you would be singing a different tune. However this is not the time or place f... 
SACD hybrids bad policy from Sony/Columbia?
DVD-a trolling, I thought they had all given up now. SACD out sold DVD-a 100:1 last year, just give up already!(according to a recent survey from the Washington Post) 
Review: Emm Labs DCC2 DA converter
Gregm- I wish I had a case of these to give to my friends! But I do not- sorry :o)Timo- The unit retails for $9995(I know I had to include that when making the review but I don't know where it got placed). It has multiple inputs:• AES/EBU (2 conne... 
Can a manufacturer post replies & discussions?
Just make sure you include who you are and/or what you represent and most all of us here will welcome you with open arms! Its the folks who try to promote only there products and seem to have a hidden agenda that really cause problems. I can name ... 
Power cord for Meitner DAC & Philips Transport?
I am using Jena Labs "Pathfinder" aka the 7 strand powercord, speed and air seem to be there strength's. They don't do anything wrong in my system so I think its a great combo for me. However like Saxman2 said power cords are VERY system dependent... 
How can I get the best possible sound from my PC?
Get ahold of Tok20000 from audiogon and let him know your problem- he may have exactly what your looking for. 
EMM Labs DCC 2 - Sneak Preview
Gerry- Its here and its fabulous! I am putting together a review of some sort and will let the world know what I think of this magical little thing in the not to distant future. 
Magnepan Upgrade
Gmood1- Your right I forgot to check the here for the details, I foolishly assumed that the two way design(that I saw from the schematic) was a QR speaker, but its not!. Its not the first time I've been wrong and I am sure it won't be the last :o)... 
Magnepan Upgrade
I have looked the schemetics for the 2.6's and building crossover shouldn't be a big deal. I just ask myself why would you want to do that to a pair of 2.6's?? They are really pretty old(even though they are fresh returned from the factory) they w... 
what happened to cd player build quality ?
I don't know what's the cause but I to have noticed this. It started appearing around the same time DVD players did, from my experience most DVD players don't hold up that well. I am not sure if its because with addition of DVD players in a lot of... 
Best Downgrades you've done
For me it was my speakers, previously owned Avalon Eclipses and down graded to Magnepan 3.6's with minimal regrets. I do miss some things about the avalons and would like to own another pair for a second system at some point, but in the mean time ... 
Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?
I agree with Duke- the jc-1's will out due the cam-350 in every area I am aware of comparing two amplifiers. Now the Omega that may be a different story, but that's not the case here. Arrange an audition on the jc-1's I think you will be surprised... 
hip hip hooray! 
comparation between Magnepan & KEF ref. series
The magnepans will have a better soundstage, be more coherent, overall everything will be better EXCEPT bass output and dynamics. Hey there has got to be some trade offs :o) 
Best and Worst Websites in Audio'dom
Worst- With out a doubt Sonus Faber, I can not make head or tail of any products on that site.