
Responses from tireguy

Steely Dan's Aja
Drubin- I really need to stop posting early in the morning, I screw up every time! 
Steely Dan's Aja
It is available- check this review. 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Sorry Gladstone, didn't mean to leave you hanging :o) But dare I ask what your asking of me? 
Wadia 861 or keep Electrocompaniet mk2
I used to run direct and it was fantastic- so much speed and transparency! I have used a number of players and have listened to nearly every player that has a built in volume control. From my experience the Audio Aero Capitole mkII is king when it... 
Any Muddy Water acoustics CDs out there?
Folk Singer a great piece of Muddy Water's music that fits the bill of what your looking for. 
Personal amp evolution
Just upgraded again- Parasound JC-1's are now gracing the presence of my listening room :) 
Albany NY "Capital District"
Ok things have slowed down here a bit, but I have an idea! I have been following the western NY audiophile thread and they have a good idea. I propose those who are interested get together and just have dinner some place in the capital district, w... 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Frank- It doesn't need to get any better, in my opinion you should be committed already :0)- you left yourself open for that one! 
anyone have input on counting crows 2 mfsl discs?
I have August and Everything After on MoFi and it is better then the regular cd. I consider myself a Counting Crows fan, and the MoFi is better however I don't think it would be worth the expense to purchase this let alone the time to track it dow... 
Best multichannel SACDs?
Golden_ears- The problem is most SACD enthusiasts(myself included) are using them in stereo's. Multichannel would cost WAY to much money not to mention needing a HUGE room to make it happen the "right" way. I only know one person who has a high en... 
Headphones for Digital Piano
Hey Eric! I can't help much with the question at hand, I can say I am glad to see a post from you, I was wondering where you've been! I also recently picked up a yamaha(I got a P60 to learn on while I save for my bosendorfer) keyboard and am enjoy... 
Analog a dying breed
gotcha that makes a lot more sense! 
Combining different speakers to get better sound
Why not sell both of them and buy a better pair of speakers? 
Analog a dying breed
Eldragon- I can clearly not say for sure but it seems hard to believe LP sales outnumbered CD sales- unless you included used and even then used cd sales is a HUGE business now too. Could someone provide a link with facts on the issue about sales ... 
MFSL Queen ok or not ?
You may be on to something... I like the music, I just have never heard a digital copy sound even "OK".