
Responses from tireguy

Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.
Warren- The Shanling has a tube output, which you can bypass fwiw, a great looking unit that sounds pretty good for the money and can be run in several different configurations. Pretty neat how it works even if your not interested in the unit its ... 
Would you pay to rent my media/video room
Are you really willing to clean up that kind of mess? My creative mind is running wild right now and I wouldn't want to clean up THAT kind of mess if you catch my drift! I really don't think its a very good idea honestly- let's face it the average... 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
I to am very curious about this- there seems to be a large sistrum following, however not many have experimented with different racks. I am considering the mana/neuance combo or sistrum and I can not decide myself. 
Battle of the BAT's, VK-60 vs. VK-220
Cdma I have never had an Aleph though they have always interested me- one day I'll get one and give it a shot. 
Battle of the BAT's, VK-60 vs. VK-220
I have owned a VK-60 and a VK-500w/bat pak and have listened to the VK-200 on a few occasions. I have yet to hear the newest BAT family of amps. Here's my take, the VK-60 will give you midrange with texture and detail no solid state amp will, it w... 
XRCD If you could order 3, Which ones?
Eagles- Hell Freezes overDire Straits- Brother In armsSonny Rollins- Saxaphone ColossusBare in mind I am a huge classical fan but have not ventured into XRCD classical for fear that I may just buy them all! 
Classe Omega reference or Parasound Halo JC1's
You should talk to the member here who's moniker is Gladstone, he has both of these amplifier's now and can offer you his opinion on the differences. 
MG1.6 crossover upgrade merits.
Just wait for them to break in! Your in for a real surprise, at just how much better they'll get. Most everyone laughes when I get excited about the level of improvement I claim was accomplished, and that very few speakers in the world can do what... 
Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?
I agree with Ken, I am scared that my power switches may not work- I only used them once when I got the amps! Though in a few months I will need to turn them off to swap out an interconnect and power cords- I better start preping myself for this :o) 
EMM Labs DCC 2 - Sneak Preview
Gerry- Delayed yet again :( mid Feb. at the soonest. 
custom Crossover building service??
I agree with Elizabeth on this one, with most dynamic type speakers its best just to leave them alone. Planer magnetic's/ribbon's and electrostat's are a different story but that is not the case here! Ask Albertporter about his old Snell speaker's... 
Won't preamps become obsolete?
I've never owned a preamp, and don't see one in my system any time soon. 
Has anyone tried kharma CRM 3.1 or 3.2 with subs
I can't answer your question, but Kharma is coming out with subs that are designed to work with there smaller speakers- fwiw. 
Tenor Hybrid v. VTL MB-450 Sig.
This thread is amazing I love it!!We have manufacturer's posting: 3+/-TG audio/CTC engineering, Merlin(btw Bobby we met a few years ago at Mario's place in White Plains- I still liked how that room sounded with the prototype JL2- that was my first... 
MG1.6 crossover upgrade merits.
Do it!! I did a full crossover over-haul on my 3.6's and it has yielded HUGE improvements. Here is a picture of them, and here is yet another angle. I have a whole lot more then a few hundred dollars into mine and it is worth it. As it stands my 3...