
Responses from tireguy

SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
Ritteri- Look into Emm labs(aka Meitner) it offers exactly what you claimed doesn't exist. And yes SACD's(for the most part) sound MUCH better then any redbook cd I have ever heard from any high end cd player. Compare Sonny Rollins- Saxaphone Colo... 
Low-Fi Experience
I agree with you Slappy- I got started in this hobby years ago with a kenwood HT in a box, I paid $499 for it. Worth every penny! I used it for 2 years and then I went crazy(you know how it goes) and I gave it to my brother and he's still using it... 
Wadia 860, Levinson & Aero Cap Direct into Amp
Ejlif- As a former cap. MkII owner I think you made a WISE choice, I have owned accuphase digital and have listened to wadia extensively and found both to be very unmusical compared to the audio aero unit. From all of my experiences, running direc... 
SACD Source recording
When I hear DVDa come close to the sound of SACD I will acknowledge it is a promising format- in the mean time, it remains useless to me. Oh it may also help when/if there are more then 500 titles available. At my current rate of music purchasing,... 
Hey Mitch- Which side of the pond are you on these days?? Haven't heard a peep from you in a while(or you've been keeping under radar;) 
Moving from Magnepan MGIIIA to 3.6
Slipknot1- Let us know how the Maggie's get along with one another :) Congratulations on the purchase, the gift that will keep on giving- aka man's best friend :) Enjoy the new speakers, and if/when your ready to tweak'em let me know! 
Cables for Tenor/Kharma/Capitole MKI
Frank- Now is that a south african hamster or a north african hamster? Because that will change the outcome- and if you cryo treat the hamster.........How long of Speaker cables are you looking for? if a 6 foot pair will work you can borrow mine t... 
Cables for Tenor/Kharma/Capitole MKI
Frank- I disagree with your analysis! What'cha gonna do 'bout it!! :) 
Cables for Tenor/Kharma/Capitole MKI
Chuck- Name a few examples???I know a fair amount of kharma/tenor users(most have used the capitole mkI or/and mkII) and I have compared a good many cables on said system and have always preffered Jena Labs. Valhalla's, Nirvana, Silent Source, var... 
Kharma CRM3.2 or CRM3.2F?
There is no CRM3.2 in the line up it is either a CRM3.1, CRM3.2F or CRM3.2D. The 3.1 is obviously not the speaker in question so. The 3.2F signifies the use of a modified focal tweeter, the 3.2D signifies the use of the 30mm diamond tweeter. I am ... 
Got Glas Platz?
Hey Slappy if they only go to 15khZ and you like them here's something to think about. You've been pretty creative lately you could try to employ seamlessly a tweeter of some sort. Design a simple crossover with one maybe two components and a very... 
Wait a Minute Do those Cardas Caps Work
I've got them, and well...... they keep the unused inputs/outputs clean :) 
Mn_glacier- I agree with most of what your saying, however could you clarify. I fear that DVD-a although superior It seems misleading to say the least. 
Your 5 Stupendous SACD vs Redbook
There are too many great titles to list! Search http://www.sacdinfo.com and see what kind of ratings other's have given the music you are looking for prior to purchase. Of course there are exceptions, for example when its a favorite piece of music... 
Exceptional Recording of Carmina Burana
I have many carmina burana's and I always find myself going to grab the Atlanta symphony orchestra/chorus directed by Robert Shaw- for some reason it just does it for me. And its available on SACD which reveals even more detail, getting me one ste...