
Responses from timrhu

High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I don't know what will happen to high end audio, but the thought of it continuing as we know it seems unlikely. Two reasons which have to do with the median age (between 55-60) of hifi enthusiasts come immediately to mind. As I'm about to turn 60 ... 
vacuum tube shelf life
They'll definitely outlive us. 
Buying from first time seller
Paypal is the way to go unless you can exchange cash on local purchase. As for feeling safer with first-time seller, establish solid communication via telephone conversation concerning the sale. I have purchased many times from first timers. Haven... 
JA Perspecitve Stereophile review
I read it a couple days ago and was a bit puzzled by it as well. The review did not seem positive to me even though he recommended it with caveats. I had the feeling he was a bit shy about recommending it with the less expensive Revel speaker in t... 
Budget floorstading with a good waf.... Help
I would throw the later model Thiels into the mix. The only speaker my wife ever had a positive word for were the Thiel CS 1.6s. I also owned the Audio Physic Tempo IVs which she thought were ok but really just looked the other way. It seemed to m... 
Do you put as much effort into your Car Audio?
Stock, it's good enough for NPR which is 98% of what I listen to in the car.I prefer concentrating on the road, not the music when I'm moving down the highway. 
Led Zeppelin in Hi-rez
+1 to Wildoats' comments. 
Speakers Distance from Wall
A used pair of Thiel CS 2.4s would be my choice for your room and budget. 
Set-Up Advice for Vandersteen 1Cs
Check Amazon if you have a prime account or Partsexpress for spikes. The Vandies probably use a standard thread for their spikes and should be cheap and easy to find. That seller should be tarred and feathered. 
Neat cheap amp suggestions . Help me have fun.
The quest continues!!! 
Set-Up Advice for Vandersteen 1Cs
Nice drawings. I suggest some very heavy drapes in front of that window as absorptive panels aren't going to work there. Especially if your seat is right up against the window.Did you use the formula in the manual? If you set everything just right... 
Set-Up Advice for Vandersteen 1Cs
Be careful with the tilt. I found very little tilt worked best for me with both the 1Cs and the 2CEs. Discovered this after setting tilt and noting how much better they sounded when I was standing in front of my chair. I straightened up the speake... 
Not impressed
Maybe I should look at naimDjverne And you're right back on that merry go round!!! 
DAC for iPod/iPhone
How portable? I use a Nuforce icon ido on my nightstand. I love this thing for headphones. It also provides a preamp analog out which I run into an amp with speakers. 
Not impressed
Get an ipod and a pair of Audioengine A5+ speakers, rip some tunes, sit back, relax and listen to music.