
Responses from timrhu

Small room....treating 1st reflection points
I referenced the Nextacoustics site above and want to mention they use the exact same foam used in Auralex products. Pretty sure their web site mentions this and I can attest to this as I have products from both. Also, both companies are located o... 
Opinion on Linn AV 5105
Linn's switch mode power supplies were trash in my experience. I forget which model it was but the SMPS died pretty quickly. 
Small room....treating 1st reflection points
So what's a good place to buy prefab treatment products without breaking the bank?RebbiIf you need foam products I recommend http://nextacoustics.com/. For acoustic panels I have used http://www.atsacoustics.com/ with great success. They made me a... 
Ways to connect subwoofer?
I'd go with option #1. I had the same sub and ran it that way with a Bel Canto Pre3. It worked fine. 
old Audioquest cables review
Although I'm a fan of older Audioquest cables in general, I'd stay away from the Midnite series. Not sure which version I had but on my set the insulation inside the cable had deteriorated to the point where the conductors were exposed. This is po... 
Anything you can put between spikes and carpet?
Grimace, I just checked your system. Nice stuff. Love your system pics. 
Anything you can put between spikes and carpet?
I use Timlub's method. And as the spikes are adjustable, I rock the speakers to figure which spikes I need to adjust to get them all seated firmly. I also use a level to set speakers. 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Interesting the amount of disappointment with Musical Fidelity products in this threadBigasscabYeah, while they weren't the worst components I've owned, I had a set of the X series integrated amp, DAC, CDP as well as an upgraded external power sup... 
Are "want to buy" ads not free anymore? If they are, the ad would get more looks. 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Two pieces come to immediately to mind. First is the Rega Mira 3 integrated amp. It was not at all what I expected; a smooth, warmish amp. What it was for me was a tinny, no-bodied amp. Really surprised me.Second, and a bigger disappointment was a... 
Have I Hit The Point Of Diminishing Returns?
My listening room is nearly identical to yours and I recently tried something that made me sit up and say whoa.I set my system in a diagonal configuration after reading this. The increase in soundstage depth alone was worth the effort. But honestl... 
A moving story Audio Physics Caldera II
Hey, we can meet at Walmart!! ;)We are neighbors! I live in the Highland Springs subdivision north of I74. If you need a pair of speakers while your Calderas are down I have a few spares. Unfortunately, nothing at that level. 
A moving story Audio Physics Caldera II
Oilman, I live in Brownsburg, a few miles northwest of Indy. Lived on the west side for many years before moving further out. 
Eminent Technology LFT8b
If you search the speaker forum for Eminent Technology you'll find lots of threads. I owned a pair of the LFT VIIIs five or six years ago. They didn't work for me at all. Johnny Cash never sounded like Johnny Cash should. That's what I remember mo... 
Followup-Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
I stated this in your other thread concerning the Magnepans. When I tried the MG12s, I could not tame the aggressive treble energy. Resistors helped but not enough.