
Responses from timrhu

A moving story Audio Physics Caldera II
Welcome to Indy.Never heard the Calseras but have heard the Tempo IVs, check my system for pics. 
Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
That is good to hear. I had the same reaction to the bass when I tried the MG12s. It was lower than I expected and very clean. Something I just tried in my 12x12 room is a diagonal setup. Not sure if it would work for the Maggies but worth a try.H... 
Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
Timrhu, did you have bass traps in the room?Linesource There are bass traps in two corners, the other corners have doors with absorption panels. If you look at my room you can see the basic position of the speakers, MG12s went in same spot. They w... 
Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?
I tried a pair of Magnepan 12s in a 13x11x8 room in which I had fully treated. They never gave me what I was hoping for.The thing was I really wanted to like them and tried all the tricks I could gather from the Agon community. In the end I believ... 
Atlantic City casinos closing...
Axjake makes a great point. Still, it's a shame you had to part with your AP Virgos. I hope you enjoy your new system. 
Do you demag or destat your CDs/DVDS?
ZD542, I'm not calling anyone out. Although I have met a few Agon members personally, I don't know any who fit that description. But reading through the threads here it does seem as if there are members who do. 
Do you demag or destat your CDs/DVDS?
Jea,Either you missed my point, or didn't care to address it. I'm not talking about the demag product or any other tweak. I'm talking about the term "flat earther." Flat earthers believed the earth was flat because they trusted their own senses an... 
Do you demag or destat your CDs/DVDS?
Yes, actual experience. Didn't read it in a book or magazine. Didn't learn anything from Flat Earther naysayers on this site either..... Actual hands on experience.Jea48 I just don't understand the term "Flat Earther" in the context you use it. As... 
Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?
Timrhu, I appreciate your response. It's hard for me to audition a speaker for just 6 - 8 hours and familiarize myself with them well enough. I feel more comfortable keeping them for at least a month or so before I make a conscientious decision. C... 
Do you demag or destat your CDs/DVDS?
Maybe they discontinued the demagnetizers because they expect cds to be discontinued. And to answer the question, no, I don't demag cds. Seems like a ridiculous idea to me. But for those who find it creditable, enjoy. 
Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?
Wow Timrhu!50 speakers in 15 years? That is one pair of speakers every 3.6 months! I'm curious as to how you were able to appreciate the sound of each pair in such a short time?Honestly interested, not trying to be a smart-ass.Kiko65 Kilo, Your qu... 
Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?
Joined Audiogon more than ten years ago and started "churning" equipment. I would not be exaggerating if I said I've owned 50 different speaker models over the last fifteen years. The one speaker I sold and wished I hadn't is the Revel M20. Why di... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I teach in a university and without question, young people are flocking to better quality. 80% of young people into music today are buying it solely on vinyl. IntermediaticReally? Can you back that up with any data? 
DAC woes - what to do
Not a single recommendation for the PS Audio Nuwave dac? Although it's not really high end, it seems to be a contender in this price class the op requested. I've been using the PS Audio DLIII for years now with zero desire to swap it out. It's bee... 
Speaker cable manufacturers
If your speakers are DIY have you considered DIY cables? Assuming you chose quality cable to wire the drivers in the speakers you could build speaker cables from the same wire.