

Responses from three_easy_payments

On the hunt for the "just right" turntable lamp-ideas, and where to find 'em?
I use this one made by Ikea.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00R3LQW2Y/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 
Cables from TT to phono stage to preamp
What are you looking for out of new phono cables that your current ones don't provide?  I'd spend the $700 extra moving up to the Sutherland 20/20 instead with the same money unless there really is a cable issue. 
Help in minimizing hiss
Power conditioning may help in lowering overall noise floor but it certainly won't address tube hiss.  A well designed circuit in your component coupled with low noise tubes can achieve really quiet operation.  I run 99dB efficient speakers throug... 
Cary Audio SLI-80HS vs Primaluna Dialogue HP or Evo Integrated Amps
@tripppsta   Enjoy!  I really love the pairing of the Forte III's with my Cary SLI-80HS.  Perfect synergy.  One question - did you buy the speakers new?  I bought mine lightly used from an individual in Chicago and the speakers came wrapped in pla... 
Help in minimizing hiss
I typically associate hiss with tubes and agree with others that The Freya is a likely culprit.  Have any spare tubes to try?  And I don't get the sarcasm on wanting to remove hiss or any other unwanted noise to lower noise floor.  It seems silly ... 
Is Graham Slee Revelation best affordable all around phono pre?
Yes, a crowded market for sure which leaves me unable to decide.  I've been deliberating for months over which MM-only sub-$1000 phono pre to buy for a second system running an early 80s AR ES-1 and Grado Prestige Gold cart.  I do keep coming back... 
Phono Preamp Tube Rush
@lewm I appreciate the detailed explanation!  I was unaware of the Manley hybrid design. 
Phono Preamp Tube Rush
I had brought up the question earlier in the thread about why not use a 6922 instead of the 12AX7.  You definitely could get enough phono gain with the 6922 and this is commonly used in the Manley phono pre's (for example).  Now would the overall ... 
Turntable cost:benefit
Money is only wasted if the resulting musical experience is perceived poorly.  If the experience is joyful who cares about recording and equipment perfection? 
Turntable cost:benefit
Cost is all relative - balancing your means and what you value in life.  Cookie cutter assessments relative to self-reflective definitions of value only apply to you.  How much is too much to spend to nurture one's soul? 
Phono Preamp Tube Rush
@edwyun What tubes are you using in the V1, V2, and V5 positions? 
Phono Preamp Tube Rush
@bigkidz I have to disagree that the VTPH-2A is a poorly designed unit as it’s incredibly musical, especially at it’s price point. I really love what it has done for my vinyl experience. With that said I do wonder why Keith didn’t use the 6922/6DJ... 
Phono Preamp Tube Rush
I can certainly identify with this topic and the advice so far has been spot on consistent with my experience.  I too have a Herron VTPH-2A and noticed tube rush only a foot or so from the speaker when volume is up quite loud and BEFORE needle tou... 
Pass Labs XA 30.8 Standby power draw?
I just used a Kill-a-Watt meter which you plug the amp into directly and then into wall socket as @testpilot mentioned. I was surprised of the tiny consumption in standby.  Honestly, at 265 watts I could leave the amp turned on 24/7 and the cost a... 
Qobuz Special Offer
or support the musician by seeing them live and buying merch.  agreed on CDs and LPs