

Responses from three_easy_payments

Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
@mewsickbuff and @audiotroy Thanks mew for helping to get some perspective from @audiotroy.  I figured they are in a unique position to really weigh in on the performance of these units head-to-head as they are dealers for both.  I sensed the T+A ... 
Hana SL or ML?
I have tried them both and felt the SL was the better value.  Although the ML is quite a bit heavier (9.5 grams) than the SL (5 grams) the compliance is identical and the sonics nearly the same to my ear.  The ML tracks slightly better.  Used them... 
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
@audiotroy   Just wondering if you missed my above question to you about the T+A DAC8.  I'm truly curious of your take.  Thanks. 
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
@audiotroy Out of curiosity, and since you're also a dealer, how close does the T+A DAC 8 DSD High End D/A Converter (at 1/3 the price) get to the sonic quality of the Lumin X1's DAC ?   
Two Nice Small Tweaks to Klipsch Forte III Loudspeakers
I wonder if raising the speakers is a good thing as it starts to impede into one of Paul W. Klipsch’s "8 Cardinal Points of Reproduction":Number 5: Freedom from cavities. The space under a speaker box formed by mounting it on legs can destroy the ... 
Need insight on these amps
@golfnutz  So your assessment of the OP's "problem" and advice to the OP is based solely on your referencing someone else's review?  None of this is based on your first-hand experience?  And your advice is simply "sell everything and buy something... 
If you were to design a tone arm, what would it look like and feature?
@mijostyn  +1 on the Kuzma 4 Point.  Money always matters and Franc Kuzma has engineered a great solution at a reasonable price considering the performance.  It will be my next arm. 
An Epiphany
Sounds like you two may need to review the SOPs you have in place for dealing with routine overdrinking. 
Benchmark DAC1 still relevant?
The Auralic Aries Mini is a good streamer but the DAC1 will very likely sound better than the Mini’s built-in DAC. Just give it a listen and see what you think. I have the Benchmark DAC3 which is an improvement over the DAC1. It’s upt o you whethe... 
Benchmark DAC1 still relevant?
@hifi  Your DAC1 was never a relevant streamer because it's only a  DAC.  What are you using now to stream to the DAC? 
Why go out???
I suggest never leaving the house.  The outside world can only disappoint you. 
What's up with TMR Audio?
Never ceases to amaze me how the "someone failed to return my call" threads are always the longest. 
Forever speakers around $5000
Spendor D7 checks most of the boxes.  I got mine new for $5500 just about in your range. 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
I think what's gotten lost is that the OP simply wanted to know if there were some speaker cables that could take the edge off of brightness he's perceiving in his system.  The answer is clearly yes.  All this other chatter seems like noise and re... 
To pre or not to pre
I would always use a preamp.  The sonic impact (good and bad) across volume controls alone is seriously under-accounted for by many.  Assuming you get better sound by removing a box from your chain is naïve and overly simplistic.