

Responses from three_easy_payments

Balanced Interconnect Recommendations
The Isis is fully balanced though correct? 
Balanced Interconnect Recommendations
@almarg   The reason that balanced lines are going to be more resistant to noise is due to common-mode rejection so I assumed (incorrectly) that's what was underlying your points.  And yes, you referred to common mode rejection exactly in the way ... 
Balanced Interconnect Recommendations
@almarg   So your contention is that the benefit of common-mode rejection inherent to an XLR connection may provide an advantage over single-ended connections in some cases?  I'm not sure common-mode rejection is the most important factor to be we... 
Luxman dealers
@luxmancl38   He mentioned that his top two sellers during the close down were TT’s and phono stages. Interesting, and I suspect this says something about the demographics of those most into vinyl (teens of the 80s and 90s).  They should in gene... 
The quest for sound vs. music
You can always move on to obsessing over collecting as many quality vinyl records as possible ;-) My balance between gear and music is shifting in that direction. 
Balanced Interconnect Recommendations
If the circuit topology of your components are not fully differentially balanced from input to output then there is zero sonic benefit of using balanced ICs.  In fact you could even make the sound worse in some applications such as taking a balanc... 
Power Conditioners
@tvad +1 Likewise, although I have only tried lower priced Furman products as a point of comparison.  The only conditioner that has had an obvious and positive affect in my system is the AudioQuest Niagara 1200  
Unreal prices
When you have enough old guys with money feeling nostalgic and seeking items that aren't plentiful in good condition, you get a market that can sustain high prices.    
Preamp with Phono $3-5k range
Great audio is really simple....you should always sell everything you have and buy a Herron phono and Raven integrated.  Why do people make this so complicated? 
Luxman dealers
I've even noticed Discogs has been charging sales tax regardless of where the record is being shipped from - recently even one coming from Canada coming to Indiana where I live. 
Luxman dealers
Music Direct has worked well for me in acquiring Luxman.  And they have a generous return policy. 
Opinions on the current market
I would rather be holding US Dollars right now over any other world paper currency. Just look at the USD outperform every world currency since the beginning of the year as the demand for dollars is running off the charts. This being fueled in part... 
Opinions on the current market
Markets aren’t always equally as good for buyers and sellers. Liquidity of inventory is a major factor. Just look at periods of time or geographies that affect real estate. Tell me the time to sell your house was best in 2009 when prices were plun... 
Preamp with Phono $3-5k range
I prefer separates in this regard as well as tubes. There are quite a few options these days used market that should check all your boxes.  I suggest looking into Modwright and Allnic at this price point. 
Used copies of The Cure “Bloodflowers” on vinyl @ $300+?
RSD is delayed until June.  You may be able to get the new pressing at a local store....maybe....https://recordstoreday.com/SpecialRelease/12362