

Responses from three_easy_payments

Lumin D2 or U1 Mini
I've read reviews stating that the U1 mini paired with another DAC provides better fidelity than the D2.  As @ozzy62  indicated, the DAC in the D2 is probably not a world beater based on the tiny incremental cost alone. I suspect the U1 paired wit... 
PrimaLuna EVO 100 DAC
@cal3713   Thanks for the additional info.  Honestly if I were going to make a change in my DAC it would be moving further up the ladder at this point to avoid a lateral move (currently using an Auralic Vega G1) - eg Atlantic 2 TRP.  Perhaps a pur... 
Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
I think it's hilarious that anyone would criticize a general interest article (i.e. intentionally fluff) from a massively circulated newspaper as if it were a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Audio Engineering. The target audience is just s... 
Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
@tonykay  +1   @condo's post was equally as offensive as @millercarbon's because this is no place for political leanings and voices to be heard.  Why litter an audio board with such divisive drivel that has zero applicability?  Please spare all of... 
Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post
There’s no question that a quality integrated is a better value, particularly at the ~$10K price point. I have an integrated in a 2nd system and it’s an easy solution with good sound. But I have to say, an integrated as a main system is a commitme... 
Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
@lowrider57  Well this is quite shocking considering the source (sarcasm font).  This is pathetic and offensive...I don't care what your political leanings are. Of all places, why insert these views on an audio message board? ha...unbelievable. 
Religious music for less than devout
Rock and roll arguably evolved from gospel. Without gospel music there wouldn’t be Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, or James Brown - for example. So many of the country blues guitarists (eg Mississippi John Hurt) were essentially playing their twists o... 
Quick Compatibility Question
I actually would think one of the main reasons (beyond sound quality of course) for someone to buy a H-1200 would be specifically for the intended use with a ~0.2mV cart that wants to see roughly a 30ohm load.  Other than the 38dB MM gain option t... 
Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
What is NPC? 
Subwoofer advice sought
@big_greg  I have not heard a DBA system and I was really commenting on the first response to the post stating: Low bass improves the sense of envelopement, feeling like you are in the soundstage instead of it being just in front of you. I thin... 
Subwoofer advice sought
@big_greg  You're exactly right...the bass is traveling throughout the venue even if it's originating from one side of the stage.  This is the effect of the venue or the room.  What you are experiencing is the room effect on bass.  They aren't cre... 
NYT on Electric Recording Co. vinyl
What’s most interesting about the article sidebar comments is how many folks believe their view on digital vs analog is the "correct" one...as if being correct in this regard makes you a more virtuous person. What’s wrong with liking what you like... 
PrimaLuna EVO 100 DAC
 @cal3713 Interesting...I'm not familiar with Audio Mirror.  Sounds worth digging into a bit.  I've heard Lampizator's higher end DACs and was curious whether their upper tier technology was trickling down to their most entry level products.   
NYT on Electric Recording Co. vinyl
I think @millercarbon would have found the exact same article far less offensive if printed identically by National Review. It’s a shame that an article published in a newspaper of wide circulation that perhaps draws some heightened interest in th... 
How Low Can You Go?
Well I don't even agree with what you wrote in your sanitized version. How on earth doesn't this amount of noise as quoted below make a material difference in terms of both measured noise and psychoacoustics?  In my system this noise level is so h...