

Responses from three_easy_payments

If I just use a DAC, do I need a Pre-amp?
It seems having a well executed volume control is one of the least appreciated and most important aspects of achieving high fidelity. Some of the top builders use massive multisection potentiometers withs shielding between the sections to achieve ... 
Better Pass Labs amp - Pass Labs 30.8, XA25 or 150.8
As an owner of the XA30.8 I would say the 150.8 is your best choice for those speakers.  Although the 150.8 leaves Class A at 13W it delivers 150 watts into 8ohms and 300 watts into 4ohms.  The XA25 and 30.8 (while hugely underrated on power) are ... 
... sound batting and/or weighting speakers ...
These are the bookshelf speakers that weigh 13 lbs correct? 
Recommendations for a stereo power amp with a XLR/RCA input switch around $2k
What DAC do you have? Even if it has a volume control it could easily sound far better run through your preamp with RCA connectors than direct to your amp with XLRs. 
What should I do?
What is the name of this mystery cartridge. Ha...i was wondering the same. I may offer to buy it depending on what it is assuming @louis decides he’s done with it. ;-) 
Recommendations for a stereo power amp with a XLR/RCA input switch around $2k
your Cary SLP-98P doesn't have balanced outputs so why do you need XLR inputs on the amp?...for your next pre after the Cary? 
Considering a new Phono Pre-Amp
Expect to hear more noise from the tubes until you will find some exceptional tubes (NOS). And prepare for tube rolling. With the caveat that tube rolling is typically an exercise in futility with the Herron.  Keith has this unit voiced perfectl... 
Considering a new Phono Pre-Amp
In that same price range you should also consider the Allnic H-1202 and Modwright PH9.0. Depending on which of these you compare to the Herron (for instance), you may find some use and design features more suited to you - like use of Lundahl SUTs ... 
What should I do?
I’m guessing the dealer was using different components than what you run at home but did you ask what gain and loading settings he was using? If the cart doesn’t sound nearly as good as at the dealer I suspect it was one or combo of:1. The compone... 
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
with those speakers you could get into a Single Ended Triode amp that will blow your mind..agreed.  That's the direction I would head.   
I love the way people remove posts after asserting something truly ridiculous creating "plausible deniability"...lol 
The 1:10 ratio does matter as you want to minimize voltage loss at the load input. With most amps/preamps on the market this isn’t an issue because they conform. But to claim this should be completely ignored or best forgotten is nonsense. Last ye... 
can anyone recommend a person in LA area to pay to install a tricky Koetsu cartridge
I know Scot Markwell in LA used to do setup work extremely well.  Not sure if he still does or focuses exclusively on the distributor biz.  Elite A/V Distribution. 
Warm/Forgiving AES/EBU digital cable less then $1000
What cold, unforgiving source are you trying to fix? 
Power Conditioners
@audiosaurus I was using a Furman Elite 15i and just did a demo of the Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF SE. it is night and day! As I’d expect! The SR PowerCell is $2,000 and the Furman is $450. +1 on working with Alfred on SR products. But y...