

Responses from three_easy_payments

Marketing slogans to catch the consumers attention
I can't believe no one has mentioned the RCA Victor dog, "His Master's Voice".  Is anything more iconic?   
Tidal loudness normalization
I'm not sure this is such a bad thing that Tidal started doing this last year.  This gives Tidal listeners a better listening experience via streaming by applying their "album normalization" thereby helping to quash the Loudness Wars that historic... 
Dan D'Agostino Interview on/by 'Steve Guttenberg On YouTube'
@david_ten  That was excellent and insightful.  It was great hearing a designer's perspective about the limitations of measurements and how they don't necessarily equate into what's "musical".  I'm sure the same can be applied in the analog versus... 
Improving streaming SQ
For me the Wireworld Starlight CAT8 Ethernet cable made a notable difference compared to stock CAT6 cable between router and music server/streamer. 
Audiophile x 5 months.
@n80 I'm on a similar trajectory as you down the sonic rabbit hole.  What's amazing is how your sense of price and value change so quickly as you sense the separation between components at certain price points.  I find that any tangible benefit is... 
Tidal app vs Roon. Wich one sounds better?
@audiotroy  You can upconvert a digital stream to a higher quality up sampled one which often sounds way better depending on the dac.Can you give us some examples of DACs you've used where Roon sounds way better than the Tidal app?  That alone wou... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
@david_ten I would choose the Streamer/DAC first, but either component is fine.Much appreciated. 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
So I think I will let this first SR Blue settle into my amp for the next 100+ hrs or so before possibly adding another.  Any consensus on where I'd get the most bang for the buck in placing another? Choices are either my streamer/DAC or preamp.  I... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
@kosst_amojan quantitative reality Quantitative reality is always reflected on relative to our current point in time. Earth being flat, universe revolving around the earth, blood-letting being a cure for ailments, avocados being unhealthy due to h... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
@nonoise Humans have a long history of being furious about concepts, ideas, and experiences they haven't shared or can't wrap their heads around. This is nothing new.  I do believe them that either their ears, perception, or equipment (possibly co... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
Ok, I honestly can't believe what a difference flipping the fuse made.  Geez, seriously...that took me by surprise.  Thanks for the very quick and sage advice from @nonoise @geoffkait  and @david_ten .  You guys were all spot on!  The highs are ba... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
So my SR Blue just arrived and I popped it into my amp's main IEC connector.  Straight out of the box it sounds a bit dark to me and the lows aren't quite as tight.  I will search the forum to see if others noticed this during the burn in period. ... 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
I'm glad people don't criticize me in an online forum when I have an off day at work.  
Warmer sounding Solid State
Tweaks can only take you so far.  I too desired the warm, organic tube sound and ended up selling a Peachtree 150 in order to transition into tube gear.  If you want warm, tube-like sound you should get tubes instead of trying to "fix" your SS sound. 
Streamer/DAC combo or stand alone DAC with Node2?
@alchemymanInteresting.  I find it hard to believe that the types of wiring differences they cite would create a major sonic change as they are claiming but who knows.  I understand your frustration at your dealer not getting you into the 2i at th...