

Responses from three_easy_payments

DAC recommendation with tube preamp
Another vote for the Auralic Vega.  A huge step sonically above the Node2 DAC in my system.  I also run through a tube preamp - Cary SLP-98.   
Qubuz feedback and membership Plan Suggestions
Started a Qobuz trial today and really liking it.  Great jazz catalog and the hi-res catalog appears deeper and more of higher quality than Tidal.  For example Coltrane's "Blue Train" is available to stream at 192/24 on Qobuz and limited to 48/24 ... 
Qubuz feedback and membership Plan Suggestions
@gdnrbob Thanks for feedback on Qobuz catalog. 
Qubuz feedback and membership Plan Suggestions
Any idea how the jazz catalog on Qobuz compares to Tidal?  I plan to sign up for the Qobuz free trial over the weekend. 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
@lewm Thanks for weighing in.  I very well may tackle an upgraded TT system in the next couple of years since I'm hearing feedback like yours and @noromance indicating a $5K -$7K setup could yield analog results on par with digital in the same pri... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
So how much are you guys spending on a turntable rig that rivals say $5000 worth of DAC and streamer?  I suspect quite a bit more and that's the issue I'm finding myself in these days.  I love vinyl from its historical meaning and connection to me... 
A tubed integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars?
Is a tube amp the best pairing with the JAs in terms of synergy?  I was thinking the sensitivity in the 83db range may not be optimal but I suppose with enough power the pairing becomes less problematic.   
Esoteric A100 Service Nightmare
I can ship myself from Chicago to Japan for less money...round trip. 
Network cabling for BlueSounds' Node 2i Network server
With the Node2i I suspect any 50 foot install of ethernet cabling is overkill.  I'd go with the wifi connection instead and save yourself headache and cost.   
I love my Hifi
At the end of the day all of us need a way to nurture our souls. This is human and not a generational phenomena.  Whether it's realized through hifi, a creative outlet, or immersing oneself in nature/built surroundings, humans always end up findin... 
Is now a good time to buy a pre-owned DAC?
I think it's a good time to get something used like the Auralic Vega for half it's old $3,500 retail price.  I think John Atkinson still uses it as his reference DAC.  Seems like good value to me.  I'm sure there are many other examples. 
Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?
Fortunately I don’t know much about hearing loss firsthand but it seems like I’d want the range of sounds that my ears are capable of processing to sound the best. Listen to upgraded equipment and if it doesn't sound better then don't invest more.... 
When do you turn off the tubes?
Everything gets shut down if I take a break of more than an hour or so, or if I leave the house.I’m in same camp 
How Often do you Change Your Gear
@phomchick   Ah, now i see what you meant!   
How Often do you Change Your Gear
how do you even properly break in 5 speaker pairs per year on average???  The logistics of all that equipment swapping makes my head spin.  I guess I'm more on a multi-year (every 5 plus years?) cycle.