

Responses from three_easy_payments

What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
A band that has been around since the early 90s, has turned out many fine albums, tours generally small venues often, yet still somehow manages to fly under the radar is Low.  Really amazing indie rock with an emphasize on a brilliantly minimalist... 
What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
@mitchagain  Thanks for recommendation.  About to check out I Am Kloot!  Always looking for new stuff. 
Integrated amplifier search
For small footprint and lots of features packed in with great sound you could consider the Naim Uniti Nova but the price is higher.  I don't think you'll find the Peachtree giving you as good SQ as the Parasound Halo. 
What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
@mitchagain  I had no idea Crack The Sky had been playing at all recently in the last decade but after googling now I see they've been active and even putting out new albums in 2018.  That's crazy.  I haven't lived in the Balto area for over 25 ye... 
Current Women In Jazz : Underappreciated
I like Connie Han although I'm not sure she's underappreciated but she is only 22. 
Break in blues
To my ears, I've only found that tube gear needs to really break in.  But after 50-75 hrs they don't get much better.  It's mainly a tightening in the bass over the first 50 hrs that I find especially with tube amps.  I'm not saying other equipmen... 
What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
Although 90% of the time I listen to jazz these days, my interests remain quite diverse.  I recently discovered the Japanese psychedelic rock band Kikagaku Moyo that I've been listening quite a bit lately.  They blend rock, psych, prog, and shoega... 
Hi Fi Tuning fuses
I felt it improved the dynamics in my Cary tube amp but only if installed in the proper direction! Placed the opposite way it degraded the SQ."@three_easy_payments, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.@2channel8  yeah, I guess it could h... 
Audirvana vs Roon
I immediately stopped my Roon free trial when I discovered their well known group playback clock sync issues with Bluesound.  They advertise it as a feature which I would have liked but it's unresolved even on the latest build.  Perhaps soon this ... 
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
Cary AiOS may be worth looking into.https://www.soundandvision.com/content/cary-audio-aios-integrated-amplifierdacstreamer-review  
TIDAL-Who knows what you are hearing? Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
I believe it's actually pretty straightforward and what she was telling you is accurate and their advertising isn't deceptive.  With a HiFi subscription you get a FLAC stream at 44.1 kHz / 16 bit at a minimum on everything.  What you also get is a... 
Hi Fi Tuning fuses
Yes, I recently stepped into a hornets nest with this topic as I tried out my first Hi-Fi fuse - an SR Blue.  I felt it improved the dynamics in my Cary tube amp but only if installed in the proper direction! Placed the opposite way it degraded th... 
Drink of choice for serious listening?
@n80  My favorite quality of Lagavulin 16 is the smoke more so than the peat.  I've never tried the 12 yr.  Looks like I need to add it to my list.In the bourbon category I recently discovered a really good Brooklyn (of all things) bourbon.  Kings... 
Tidal app vs Roon. Wich one sounds better?
@audiotroy I tried the free trial over the weekend and I've already cancelled.  I could hear no overall improvement in sound (it didn't sound worse)  But I didn't feel like for my use and interests I was getting much value from the Roon platform a... 
Marketing slogans to catch the consumers attention
@geoffkait Did you mean this?Your dog can hear it even if you can’t. 🐩Sorry, I didn't realize that was the same reference.  You beat me to the punch.