

Responses from theo

REF 3 In My System?
Thanks Tim, in speaking with ARc they claim the LS27/REF5 deliver a more controlled bass and quieter transmission of the signal. They claim the new power supply design is the main contributer to areas of gain. It is interesting to read an "ears-on... 
REF 3 In My System?
Yes I would really like to hear Tmsorosk's review. I have been told by ARC that the LS27 is better but the REF 3 is more affordable. So if you can provide what speakers, amps, source etc. It may be some time before we hear from the industry magazi... 
REF 3 In My System?
If your LS26 sounded good with your current system, you will love the REF3. I have an LS26 and the dealer lent me a REF3 for a few days and it really opened up my system.I still have the LS26 but someday I am looking for a LS27 as it is touted to ... 
Classic Records 45RPM BoxSet Boxes?
Mofi, doesn't Bags unlimited have something to offer? 
Remasters-who does the best.
Mobile Fidelity is the first one that comes to mind for me. 
What Solid State Pre-Amp compares to ARC LS-26
I am using a McIntosh MC402 amp and to answer the LS26 does have unity gain under a PROC input. I prefer to have both Balanced and SE since I already have the cables. I will put your suggestions on my list. 
What is the best quality boom box w/cd player.
I second the JVC brfand for boombox's. I have had two and one I sold to freind and he still uses it after about 10 yrs. They deliver good tight bass with a very good detail in mids and highs. I had one in my garage and decided to go with a receive... 
Worst record ever?
Leonard Nimoy-I walk the line......serioulsy? he crossed it when he agreed to record it. Evidentially pinted ears are tone deaf. 
Walker Prelude Quartet users with VPI 16.5
MarkI had actually though about calling VPI about buying a cooling fan, but they are out till May. I will investigate into the platter as well. I have adjusted the wand as I use a LP12 felt mat on mine. I have removed the platter and think I can f... 
Best Rock Album in 2011
MoFi, you need to make decision, Stevie or Margo, women hate to share:) 
McIntosh MX-130 MX130 Pro Logic only for ambience?
As I am not familar with "Dynaquad" but have owned a MX130 I ask a question. Does the "Dynaquad" have 4 out put leads? If so then use the Front and Rear of the 6 channel inputs on the MX130. Otherwise you have the answers above. You will have ProL... 
Walker Prelude Quartet users with VPI 16.5
MarkThank you so very much for this information. It will be very helpfull in solving this issue. Replacing the platter was a good idea too. My thought was to install some rollers underneath to support the platter, and with the acrylic platter you ... 
Walker Prelude Quartet users with VPI 16.5
Markd51, the more I have thought about this I think that a cooling fan is in order here. When you installed your fan did you cut any additional holes for added air movement?And did you add the fan and a switch or just wire the fan to the motor?Tha... 
Walker Prelude Quartet users with VPI 16.5
Thanks for your replys. I am as you suspect cleaning with the record spinning, and it does make complete sense to me now that I am causing the motor to overwork and produce more heat. I think you have given me a solution to look into. It never occ... 
quietest fan to use inside my enter ctr cabinet
Parasound makes a cooling fan apparatus.http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PAZBREEZE