

Responses from theo

Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?
I don't eat meals while listening as it is hard to play my "air" guitar and cut meat at the same time. Even harder if I decide to cut a rug. However while watching a movie I like a nice thick rib steak medium well with a baked spud, green beans an... 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
A lot of great mentions and I agree with most, but I think it would be nice to see what Eva Cassidy's career would have done had she survived. 
Any copyright lawyers lurking?
I think (think being operative here) that it is legal as long you make a recording for your personnal use only. Once you hand a copy to a freind it infringes on the artist as a copy that would have been sold and there for you have stolen a sale. H... 
Record Revirginizer
Wouldn't the "Record Groove" cleaner do about the same thing, except for it should have been a conical design.But it uses a "glue type" removal theory, is reusable and only 20 bucks. 
Leave the turntable running?
I do leave my LP12 on while flipping but as a reminder if you do turn it off. Give the platter a spin to get it going when you turn it back on to save the belt. 
How old is too old?
"he whom allows his passions to dwindle and die, will himself soon follow" 
Do you understand your amplifier?
I thought I did...but one of us is schizophrenic! No I am not! Yes you are! Shut up I wasn't talking to you! Benny where's Benny? 
Fading Display on NAD M3
Just a guess but it could also be the power supply for the display. But I suspect it is the display itself that is failing. Contact NAD it may be a common problem that they may have a fix for. 
mfsl vs. classic records
MFSL always seems to have the highest quality and my experience with Classic is all over the road some are real good and others have more surface noise and defects than a 50 cent garage sale LP. 
Are the CD'S days numbered?
I thought we were already obsolete? Damn I was gonna take the day off!! 
Pioneer SX-1050: worth repairing?
If it were me, I guess it come down to these questions I would ask myself. 1)if I take the 350 and add it to other money, how much can I afford? 2)If I invest 350.00 now and the other channel fails is it worth another 350.00? 3)is this a good time... 
Does anyone "throw away" Lp's ?
I had a few I took to the range and used for target practice. Bad Idea! By the way, you only get one chance for a hole in one. However the inner sleeves make great targets and are way cheaper. 
TV only recommendation
Sony has been working on OLED for about 10 years now and have released a few small screens that are expensive for the size. But from what I have seen they will be as close to a direct view as any. I would say the plasma/OLED comparison will be out... 
TV only recommendation
You can find a good range of Panasonic Plasmas in the price range you mention. I think the 55" 3D is 2500.oo it depends on how big and features. The lower end Panasonic is 55" for 1500.oo IF you want plasma. If you want LED/LCD/DLP you have many t... 
Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?
Count me in as lazy. No remote, no pre-amp. Take a look at the ARC LS26 I see them listed here all the time for less than 4K. If you want a more tube sound look at the ModWright stuff a friend of mine just got his second one and he loves them. But...