

Responses from theo

Mt First McIntosh
Ahhhh yes my First McIntosh...I remember that day. Warning there is no cure for Blue Meter Fever. However you can subside it's side effects, feed the fever, starve a cold. Enjoy her, but at 45 she will teach you things about your music collection ... 
What are your favorite SACDs and why?
For both 2 channel and 5.1 I think mine is Roxy Music Avalon. Well recorded and on the 5.1 side really well engineered. Plus great music. Second would be Pink Floyd DSOTM. 
Power cable affects interconnect.
Have you tried eliminating the ground on the power cable? PS Audio has a removeable ground pin if has been made in the past 7 or so years. Otherwise Elizabeth is right the folks at PS Audio are nice people to deal with, it's Boulder man....celesti... 
lambchop fans out there
They could name the supergroup "hand to hand" 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
Mr. Carr thank you for you response to my question. Although it sad that many good cartridges are traded in and they are discarded before their usefull life is realized. I understand now, and it seems every industry has a "financial vs. production... 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
Keep doing what you are doing Mr. Carr! It works fine for me. The comments that they could sell for more is a compliment to the abundant value(speaking for myself)found in the Lyra products. But if you could answer my question about the trade ins?... 
lambchop fans out there
Whoops sorry, thought this was about Shari Lewis... 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
I didn't mention the Titan, but Mr Carr if you read this can you please reduce the price of the Titan it way over priced by comparison to the performance of the Delos and Kleos. My conscience is clear. But actually I believe Fremer made similar co... 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
Mr.Carr if you are still tuned in to this thread. EXCELLENT JOB on both Cartridges!! I really liked the Delos but it was such a good deal to get the Kleos and WOW!As mentioned I always wanted a Skala but really feel I made the right decision. And ... 
McIntosh Mx130 question
Well stated Vernneal. As much as I like Mcintosh because it is so well built and I know that it can be in my last will and testament. I always want the newest model. 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
I had a Delos and upgraded to the Kleos. The Delos is a great cartridge for the money, and could easily sell for 500 more and get away with it. It is a newer design than the Dorian. I traded a LydianB , I have never heard the Dorian but I am sure ... 
Cowboy Junkies "Demons"
OK I'll bite, ordered the CD's today. MoFi, you should start a CJ/MT Cult:) 
McIntosh Mx130 question
Glad to help, I am a long time Mc owner/lover. Hopefully you will learn to love their sound. Enjoy! 
revels f32 compared to vandersteens 2ce sigs
I have F32's and bought them at a Vandersteen dealer. In short two totally different voices and presentations. More detail, larger sound stage, articulation, etc.,really no comparison. If you like the Vandersteen voice you may not be happy. I obvi... 
McIntosh Mx130 question
The 7108 is a 8 channel amp. That would give you an opportunity to bi-amp your front speakers! Or you can bridge that ampo as well for more power.Here is a link to the manual http://www.berners.ch/McIntosh/Downloads/MC7108_own.pdfalso in case you ...