

Responses from theo

AQ HDMI Cables
I am using the Cinnamon in a 5m length between my Sat and Pre-Pro. I had a Analysis Plus in it's place and the Cinnamon seems to have resolved the "handshake" issues I was having. Picture and sound seem to be good. I would go with the Cinnamon or ... 
Should i move rack to sidewall?
I bought the DVD version of GBS and came to realize, that it is great guide but not gospel. Some of his suggestions are just not feasible for those uf us that don't have dedicated systems and rooms. I agree with his suggestion, however I must omit... 
Best Live Album Ever...
I second Renaissance Live at Carnegie Hall, Little Feat Waiting for Columbus and Dire Straits Live Alchemy and add to those:Pink Floyd-Delicate Sound of ThunderPeter Gabriel-Plays Live 
So, what's your audio resolution for 2012?
Mofi..I asked politely:) Your resolution should be to build greater resistance!!! 
power cable length importance
Rok2id, I am afraid he might borrow additional cable from future cables, leaving future generations....powerless!Sorry had to say it! 
Lyra Titan: Stylus broken during shipping
Thanks for sharing, glad to hear the dealer stepped up. Hard to know exactly where to place the blame but he obviously felt customer satisfaction was a priority. 
So, what's your audio resolution for 2012?
I am going NOT buy anything new unless I can't live without it! Oh and listen to more of my older music to take away the urge to buy more music that becomes older music...And build a new cabinet, my resolution for the past 8-9 years:) Mo...don't s... 
Best audio purchase of 2011
Mine is the Kleos, I started with a Delos and upgraded right away to the Kleos. The dealer did add a new motor at the time as well as "tune up/tweaking" to my LP12 which I am sure can take some of the credit for the vast improvement is sound repro... 
power cable length importance
The full scentific description of power cord length for optimum sound quality. And I preface this with that ALL CABLE Manufactures agree on this whether they put in print or not. "The Power Cable should be of adequate length to extend from the out... 
What a better pre-amp Arc Ls-27 or Ref-3
From everything I have read or heard, the LS27 is the better choice. There have been a few threads here on AG that you may want to have a look at in addition to the responses you will get here. I have an LS26 and am waiting for the fund$ so I can ... 
What did you get for Christmas?
I got a rock:( 
Center Channel with Vandy Quattros? Need help-
I rode up in the elevator with Richard at RMAF this year on our way to the Vandy7 room and he told me his center channel speaker VCC-1 is designed to work all his speakers from 1-7 as well as Treos and Quattros. I wasn't sure that I would agree wi... 
McIntosh MX 134 connect to Internet radio site?
Lawnet1, I assume it would work fine. I am not sure how you would connect it though. I don't have any I-stuff nor have any knowledge of how it interfaces with other equipment. 
Merry Christmas to All
Glory, Amen to that! May the true spirit of Christmas bring Joy to all our Audio Bretheren! 
Merry Christmas back at all and a good day of family or what ever puts a smile on your face. May all find some time to sit and listen to a favorite selection and reflect on another year as it closes.