

Responses from theo

how to re terminate my cardas hexlink golden 5c
Send them to Cardas, or accept a much lower selling price should you ever decide to re-sell them. 
The Mechanic
Albert,the plot follows the Bronson movie loosely. But if you liked the original, this worth the time to watch. 
Great Caesar's Ghost
Perry White must be spinning is his grave! 
FM Radio is dead ....R.I.P
Maybe not dead but definitely not in the best of health. I would imagine selling advertising is one tough job. 
mcintosh c39
I owned one for a number of years and was very pleased with it's performance. They extremely well built and do a very good job on analog. Beware though as there were two versions, one with 6 channel and one without. The one without seems to be not... 
Audio Research, next upgrade?
There are a few Ref5's showing up from time to time here on Gon. Your LS26 will still bring a good price. That might be a good change. 
Denon DCD A100
Richard, Mofi admittedly had the model confused as to which I had recently purchased. I recently bought the DBP-A100 Universal Player. I hope that the following comments may help you in your decision. First off I had just sold a Denon DVD5910ci un... 
Another dedicated circuit question
To clarify, I suggest that you have one on one leg or phase and two on the other. I would imagine your electrician will do that anyway based on open ports in your box, but I would still suggest it to him. 
Why shutting down?
Sounds like a thermal break somewhere. I would take it in or if you are so inclined start checking circuits for resistance. Also look for swollen capacitors. One last thought is maybe the power supply is done. 
Another dedicated circuit question
The only suggestion I would offer is that two are on one leg. And that if possible have two outlets that will be closest to each other originate from opposite legs at the breaker box. This will help in case you have some grounding issues in the fu... 
What high-end multichannel SACD players are there?
Goatwuss, yes I am running 6 channel analog direct into the D2v and using the 6CH out to listen. I have had no issues with sound quality. I get more dynamic soundfield doing it that way than by running HDMI. I find that the digital route sounds ve... 
What high-end multichannel SACD players are there?
Goatwuss, I am using my Denon analog 6 ch out to the 6 ch input on my D2v and it is passing thru without using room correction. I have HDMI setup for BR and have tried it both ways and analog is much better. I ask if spending 3K and buying the Opp... 
Let's hear from Long Time Owners
It satisfies our competitive nature. And I think we have an inner need that drives us to constantly seek "better" or at least the perception of such. But I would add that the motive is, or at least should be, chasing that "holy grail" A.K.A. the a... 
Useful Idiots
Isn't that the motive behind any hobby, as long as it is an escape on a temporary basis. There are some that never seem to emerge and loose touch with reality. Maybe Discovery could do a series on Audio Shut-Ins. Sorry I have more but must get bac... 
what does V.P.I. stand for?
Ok Mike, so if it's not Very Profitable Indeed, could it be..Very Private Individuals:)Just kidding Mike you have always been great to deal with on parts and tech support.I personally hope that it Very Profitable to insure that you will always be ...