

Responses from theo

Cartridge for Rega 25 TT with RB600 tone arm
I had a P25 for many years, that is a great table and there are many tweaks available for both the table and RB600 that can enhance the performance. But as a cartridge goes I had a Grado Reference then a Glider then a Lyra Lydian-B. I kept the Lyd... 
Linn lp12
Correction it audioalternative.com not backwards as I had listed. Brain flatulence:) 
Linn lp12
Just as a thought have you checked the bearing to see if any "gumming" has built up? If you are not near a dealer I can recommend with full confidence, Rick at AlternativeAudio.com, he is in Ft.Collins Colo. and has people nationwide send their LP... 
I tried a cheap cartridge and I LIKE IT
Sometimes it all comes down to synergy. Sounds like you have found a way to "aline your planets" so to speak. Thanks for sharing. 
Duped again
Isn't the "Holy Grail" or "Absolute Sound" a big part of what drives this passion or hobby? Our love for music and the desire to reach "eargasm" is a major part of it, or at least for me. But back to the thread, Mjm1124, thanks for sharing your op... 
System very bright after adding Mcintosh amp
Stupid jobs! Always get in the way of what really matters:) Oh that money thing. 
Audio Research ARC Ref 5 versions?
Ritmo did you have a Ref5 or did you make the jump from the LS27 to the Ref5SE? And I want to clarify, I was not knocking the LS27. I have an LS26 and am very happy with it, but the LS27 is in my crosshairs. The Ref5SE is not in my budget unless I... 
System very bright after adding Mcintosh amp
The MC7205 does not have autoformers and neither do the MC205/207. They have only made one amp with more than two channels that uses autoformers and that the 3 Channel MC303. 5 Autoformers for one wouldn't fit and the amp would require a forklift ... 
Audio Research ARC Ref 5 versions?
My understanding is that the reason for the REF5-SE is that ARC realized that the LS27 was so close to the performance level of the REF5, they were prompted to introduce the SE version. It makes really want to trade up my LS26, as soon as I can bu... 
System very bright after adding Mcintosh amp
If you plan to send it in you may also try audioclassics.com, they are all. McIntosh people over there and may have a quicker turn around. But you may try different cables and resolve your issue. But I would suggest calling both McIntosh and audio... 
System very bright after adding Mcintosh amp
What amp were you using prior to the 7205? I owned a 7205 and used mainly for center and surrounds at the end of my time with it. I was using a MC352 for the fronts, but prior to that the 7205 was driving all 5 channels and they were Infinity Kapp... 
LP12 owners: Anyone try the Tiger-Paw Khan yet?
I had a chance to speak with an owner yesterday at the dealer from which I purchased my LP12, and he told me 'he has gained much more bass and that the whole spectrum has a more noticeable clearity' he is using and Arkiv and had the same set up as... 
Audio Research ARC Ref 5 versions?
The SE is shipping now. 
Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan
Is it the fan or resonance of the cabinet created by the fan? Have you tried adding a vibration isolation device? I had a similar issue once and Vibrapods reduced the noise considerably. 
how to re terminate my cardas hexlink golden 5c
If you don't send them to cardas and have them done to Cardas spec,what was the point in buying Cardas in the first place? So if you're going to do it yourself, use an ohm meter to determine which lead to use that provides the best signal path. Go...