
Responses from terry9

@tls49 The problem with connecting the shield to the source end is that if a source has no ground connection, you will end up with an ungrounded shield. Many turntables and tonearms are like that, especially vintage ones - think two-prong plugs. 
@cleeds By 'robust' I mean a solid connector and heavy gauge ground line. Unlike some pieces from the old days.Agree with everything you say, except using the preamp instead of the amp.Oh, I get it - if one is using mono blocks. Yes, in that case,... 
Taww, teflon is bad stuff to get hot because it decomposes into seriously bad compounds starting about 470F. Think HF (hydrogen fluoride), the stuff used to etch glass. Some modern non-stick uses a high temperature variant, or so I understand.But ... 
@tls49 The shield should be connected to the component with the most robust ground, which is often the amplifier. Some phono/pre are even battery powered, whereas amps are not. Hence the suggestion. 
Is there actually a difference?
Every type of capacitor, every brand of resistor, transistors, tubes, all sound different.Add circuit topology, and, while there may be similarities, no two amps will sound identical - that is, with practice and attention.I change one thing at a t... 
Thing is, Craig, cables are just another electrical machine, and not a very complex one at that. Doesn't mean anyone can design them - but it ain't Nobel Prize territory neither.Thankfully, Eichmann (ETI) and WBT and Canare and Mogami have done al... 
Yep. Looks good - when I make cables out of this stuff, I use a better quality connector, usually Eichmann or WBT. But this stuff should get you 90% of the way for the price of parking.Interesting, Canare are now using cross linked polyethylene di... 
One consideration is how rich your radio environment is.You don't want radio and TV and cel traffic and UHF (ultra-high frequency) in your audio signal. If you have a lot of that in your neighbourhood, then you need a high quality copper shield to... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@inna Like I said, Inna, you are free to spend your money as you wish. But I will say this: every time I get a yearning for a tone control, an improvement elsewhere makes it unnecessary. For example, when I went to vacuum and air gap capacitors, a... 
Leaving Solid State Equipment on all the Time
In summer I leave my Class A amps on standby (30% power), but they still take many hours to warm up to full performance. In the winter I leave them on a lot - costs nothing, just replaces the heater.My phono/pre reaches full performance after a fe... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
Well, Inna, I still prefer physics.Differences between caps I can measure. Ditto resistors. Ditto inductors. Ditto dielectrics. I'll spend my money there first. And I'm still not finished with things I can measure.But you spend your money as you s... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
Cheap components in speaker crossovers can cause serious problems with timbral accuracy by introducing distortion which masquerades as 'fast leading edge'.Therefore suggest that you consider speakers without crossovers or delay lines. Or, consider... 
Listening Height Adjustment -- Is This Why Two People Don't Hear the Same?
Snap, folkfreak.My room is something of a bear, with my normal listening position quite lacking in bass. But a few inches higher, and the bass is much improved.When I first discovered this, my first thought was to angle the speakers as Eric sugges... 
Which Nakamichi to choose?
@cleeds "Tape most certainly does degrade."Quite correct. What I should have said is that saving vinyl to tape, and playing tape until it degrades, gets you thousands of plays before degradation. Sorry to be inaccurate.And I agree, half track at 1... 
Which Nakamichi to choose?
@cleeds Not an archival medium? Depends. Cheap stuff, 120 minutes, agreed. Metal Type 4, 60 minutes duration, absolutely disagree.I have tapes made 20 years ago that sound fine. I used the ceramic cartridge bodied cassettes for mixdowns from 15 ip...