
Responses from terry9

Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
One more thing about isolation transformers: they replace the need for lesser devices such as exotic power cords or regenerators.I did the experiment years ago. 5 conditions: Isolation transformer alone VS isolation transformer plus exotic power c... 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
You describe serious issues with power, Mike.I have reasonably good power out of the wall, but even so I use Siemens in-panel surge protectors as well as isolation transformers. You could probably do with lightening arrestors as well. Talk to a lo... 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
RE Chinese theftIf I remember correctly, the Chinese were handed modern technology with aerospace deals under Reagan. It was all in the open, above-board and, what must now be obvious to everyone, was not to US advantage. 
On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing
Guru Ralph Karsten of Atma-sphere has posted extensively on this subject. His position, as I understand it, is that the phono stage is critical to vinyl listening. A better phono stage means less noise and fewer pops as well as better resolution.I... 
Cable budget in a rig
Less than 1%. I suggest that you buy cheap and get used to the system. Then upgrade if and only if someone can demonstrate a positive difference in your system, at your leisure. 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
Chinese qualityThe Quad ESL's are now made in China; I bought some. As soon as they were out of warrantee I opened them up to take a look and begin to modify. I couldn't help but notice the build quality. The Quad 2805's were a bit rough, but the ... 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
@kosst, a very clear post. Nicely put. 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
Mike, I really do mean cheap, as in $10 or $20 a pair. $100 max. You can just laugh and throw them away when someone demonstrates better.I run a six figure system on premium microphone cable and ETI connectors, maybe $75 a pair to solder up. Speak... 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
It's all about bang for the buck, as assetmgr said.I suggest that you include a record cleaner in your budget. Perhaps the best bang for buck. I went to ultrasonic.Least bang for buck, IMO, is cables. I went to the trouble of building theoreticall... 
Speakers for.....every type of music?
Audioman says, "Modding gives you by far the biggest bang for the buck."Absolutely agree. 
Speakers for.....every type of music?
I suggest that you listen, listen, and listen. Keep notes on what you like and what you don't. And why. And don't listen to the price tag - by that, I mean that hyped stuff isn't always the best value - you don't have to be the one who pays for th... 
Difference in sound using different carts when digitizing vinyl record?
Sleepwalker, what holds the stylus in place? How accurately can it be set? Will it hold its settings? 
Best building material for vibration free shelving
I'm quite keen on Panzerholz, a German plywood-like product. But it's damn pricey, so most people won't bother. 
How much?
@tostadosunidos Why so hostile, tostados? Tom just posted about his preferences. What's it to you? 
what did I do to my Oppo/Modwright UDP-205 ?
Don't get down on yourself.I tried arc welding with a Bryston ... mistakes happen to everyone. Everyone except those with short memories, that is.