
Responses from terry9

Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
Wyn, I note the the simple expedient of putting the 2120 Hz filter first has the effect of reducing RF by 50dB at 1MHz at the first device. Is it your view that an additional pole is required?Thanks! 
Which material sounds better for speakers construction? Wood, Ply or MDF?
I am quite keen on Panzerholz, a very dense, very dead German beech plywood with elastic properties. Costly to experiment with, though - $1000 sheet. 
Tonearm Suggestions For Technics Sp15 Under 5k
I had an SP15 for emergency use, and paired it with a very good tonearm and cartridge - quite disappointing. With an upgraded Rega RB300 it was fine, perhaps because expectations were lower. But it was no SP10. 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
The higher the frequency, the smaller the bubbles, hence the better to clean small spaces and crevasses.One of our big problems with vinyl is grease (fingerprints, etc.). It's hard to see plain water being very effective at removing that, irrespec... 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
@atmasphere I didn't know most of that. Thanks for sharing! 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
Just to elaborate on what Lewm said, a small loading resistance corresponds to a big load. The reason is that the loading is a resistance across the outputs, and so the cartridge motor has to work hard to get anything past that small resistance. T... 
Vinyl - Hearing The Beginning of the Song One Revolution Earler
Tape should be stored so that the extra tape ("the tails") are on the outside of the reel. This makes print-through more obvious during loud passages, where it is swamped by the desired signal.But sometimes tape is stored "tails in", and a megabuc... 
Speaker design customer feedback
Coherence first: all frequencies come from similar technologies. I can't abide a speaker which presents a piano's top octave one way, and the bottom octave another. ESL's have coherence, Magnepan used to.Fast: ESL's are the classic. Also ribbons a... 
Why do these Zyx Fuji and Airy 3 have such a dark sound?
Also, I would like to second Karl's comment. Setup is critical, down to matching the torques on the cartridge screws. 
Why do these Zyx Fuji and Airy 3 have such a dark sound?
Have you tried playing a test record? Because, if you are used to digital, a good analogue sound might seem lacking in treble. 
. Can a well constructed plant table provide the same isolation as an audio rack??
A plastic called acetal (brand name Delrin) has excellent properties for a shelf. It is strong, easily shaped, and is a very poor transmitter of vibration.A 1" slab of that under your turntable should work very nicely with any old table. Cost, a f... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
@erik_squires Won’t disagree about power cords, Eric, but my milage has differed, if just a little. I heard a small difference, or thought I did, but markedly less than with the isolation transformers, where the difference was obvious.But bang for... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
Re-read what Atmasphere said. He is an expert, and electronics is his field.Industrial is always better than commercial, and commercial is always better than audiophile. Tradeoffs are cost, convenience, and noise.I installed overlarge Plitron medi... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
@phil0618 You're welcome. Happy listening! 
Koetsu Blue Lace Onyx vs. Coralstone
@mulveling An update. I tried to run my phono without SUT's, and my gain was just high enough. Just a little hiss, inaudible from 2 feet. More dynamic, sweeter, fuller. Nothing against the LL, just a different sound, which I think that I prefer.Cu...