
Responses from terry9

Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?
Quite right, ieales. To comply with your concern, I initially experimented with an ESL based vinyl system, and classical music. This has since been upgraded to air bearing TT, etc. Current impressions are consistent with the formal experiment deta... 
CDs Vs LPs
@atmasphere Ralph, you mention aliasing. Do you think that you are hearing aliasing or the phase shift introduced by the brick wall filters, which are there in an attempt to prevent aliasing?Or, is it the number of samples per waveform; that is, a... 
Depends on your theory.Just to come clean, I use aerospace air bearings, both thrust and radial. 
Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?
As for where to buy the parts, there are several really good sources. I tend to use Michael Percy Audio and Partsconnexion.When I got serious, that is when I retired, I built a break-out box to test capacitors for speaker applications. My experime... 
Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?
The parts costs quoted seem reasonable. I did some speakers for my neighbour, cost about $1000, and dramatically improved every aspect of the speakers' performance.I'm retired too, and it's my hobby too, but I'm not in the business. The posters ab... 
Best Songs To Sing In The Car To Embarrass Your Kids
What about, "White Christmas"? Bing Crosby - my gawd, makes me embarrassed to suggest it. 
Lower friction does not necessarily mean less noise. Also, some TT are designed to have a certain amount of friction to act as a constant low-noise brake. I would stick to the manufacturer's recommendation - yeah, maybe it's $50 for an ounce worth... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
@slaw Yes, unfortunately I have experienced this too. What I have done is this:1. reduce temperature to 45C (as you have done)2. keep o-rings out of the bath3. remove records promptly4. pry records loose from the o-rings by holding at the edge of ... 
CDs Vs LPs
LP's by preference. I could not abide digital until I finished my new preamp, and now digital comes through an RC low-pass filter (Vishay resistors and styrene caps). Now CD's are listenable, even pleasurable, especially for the new performances u... 
Best speaker/system piano concerts
@wolf_garcia Fair enough about 'speed'. I should have mentioned low distortion all the way to ultrasonics.As for design, I meant discrete, high quality components that work for audio, no opamps, current sources where useful, that sort of thing. No... 
Best speaker/system piano concerts
@wolf_garcia You write, "Great piano reproduction by any system becomes evident when you notice that all recorded pianos sound somewhat different from each other."I think that you are setting the bar far too low for what the OP has in mind. Any de... 
Best speaker/system piano concerts
The soundboard of a 6' grand is about 25 square feet. IMO, to reproduce that believably takes a comparable radiating area.That leaves big planar speakers or big planar speakers. I use Quad 2905's. Amplification is full complementary class A solid ... 
What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?
Chayro gave you very good advice. I listen at low volumes because my ears are sensitive. It's been Magnepan or Quad for nearly 50 years (2905's for a dozen years now, and no thoughts of, or lusts for, change). Magnepan or Quad. Nothing else comes ... 
Will fine tune adjustments with protractor help with "brightness?"
@knollbrent Sorry to hear of your pain with the death of a cartridge. For what it's worth, I came very close to destroying a higher end Koetsu shortly after I bought it.But you got right back on the horse! Congratulations on installing the new one... 
Will fine tune adjustments with protractor help with "brightness?"
@ericsch Oh no, Eric, you don't know what you are asking!! We trashed (sic, trashed) that out in a recent thread, when fourwnds initiated a discussion entitled, "Recent retip(canti also) Dude where did my soundstage width go".Suffice to say, it's ...