
Responses from terry9

Will fine tune adjustments with protractor help with "brightness?"
Set-up will affect the sound. Period. I suggest that you buy the right equipment right away, and no more guessing. But note that the best installation won't do much for a damaged or malfunctioning tonearm.Alignment will affect the sound, and is th... 
Used Bryston 3B-ST or Schiit Vidar?
Bryston is bulletproof. This does not matter until the unexpected happens. But at that point ...  
First Foray into XLR
Listen to Al.I say Mogami 2534 or Canare 4E6S with ETI connectors. Both are star quad configurations, which suppresses RF. I have come to prefer Mogami because the shield is easier to unravel and terminate, and also because Canare uses teflon diel... 
Don't waste money on ultrasonic RCMs
Ri-i-ight. And then you can spend all the money you saved on cryo-ed cable crayons. 
Finally took the Bryston 4B Cubed plunge
Glad to hear that your Bryston experience is as positive as mine was. Did I mention that they are bullet-proof? While shifting the 4B ST, I accidentally touched the output posts to a slab of aluminum chassis - basically, using it as an arc welder.... 
Tonearm Suggestions For Technics Sp15 Under 5k
In what way? Had less refinement than I was used to. A bit grainy, noisy. Just a decent sound, not a particularly good one. 
Tried tubes and LOVED it, now what?
Second the idea of upgrading parts. MIT Multicap RTX are made of tin and styrene, a very neutral combination. Solen makes a good tin and teflon cap, if you are after a bit of brightness. So does Relcap. Nude Vishay resistors are also worth their w... 
Phono stage and cartridge
Set-up also includes torque on the mounting screws. I neglected this, and finally sprung for a torque screwdriver when I found that a Linn engineer had posted on this subject. It was discussed on a recent AGon thread - search for 'lube the nuts', ... 
Memorial Day
Thank you, @schubert . 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
Your cautions are accepted. I've been thinking mil spec circular connectors and cables encased in grounded shields, or mono blocks bolted to the back of the speaker bases.Interesting parallelism. I went from Magnepan to ESL-57's to Prodigies to 29... 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
Wyn, I'm not claiming anything original here, except perhaps my anal-retentive dedication to costly devices!Speaking of which - direct drive ESL. I have new generation Quads, which I opened up as soon as the warranty expired. I found a step-up tra... 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
Wyn, your coaching is much appreciated. However, I am running discrete differential amplifiers (MATxy devices) throughout, and there is no "bias/protection resistor in series with a high impedance node in the signal path". Also, I am using air or ... 
Romex power cable as speaker cables?
The copper part is fine but the dielectric is a bit of a problem because of dielectric absorption, which is increasingly problematic with frequency. You really want something like teflon or at least a good polyester.I run ESL's which require a ser... 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
Thank you, Wyn. Food for thought - or rather, food for experiment. Another pole means another stage and another pair of complementary devices, so the trade-off is obvious. But next is the amplifiers' turn, so it will have to wait!Thanks again for ... 
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C
@almarg ... in a hobby where a lot of audiophiles concern themselves with dubious and unexplainable minutiae such as which way a fuse is oriented an explainable and potentially significant phenomenon such as this seems to me to be a reasonable thi...