
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Chris, I agree with your viewpoint to a certain degree, but the point of this thread is reference DACS, regardless of what sampling technologies they use, offer different "flavors" or sonic perspectives that amount to real differences that are sig... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Well Cdma, if you have the XA-100's already, I'm sure your system offers beautiful music to listen to on a daily basis!I have always driven my MG-20's bi-amped and never purchased the passive crossover but always used a Bryston active crossover. T... 
Pass Labs X-600 vs. X350.5 vs. SoundLabs?
Without trying to be disrespectful or argumentative with or towards Essentialaudio, I have heard he's a good guy and a runs a fine salon, I have this over and over again that if someone thinks the JC-1's are lacking something that the amps are not... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Guidocorona, I too was concerned regarding if the XA amps would have enough current/drive to adequately power my MG-20's, that's why I first went with the 350.5 with great results. Remember, I bi-amp so the 350.5 was only driving the midrange pane... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Gordon, I have already posted my review of the XA-100's and still am being amazed at how great they sound in my system. For the details regarding the differences between the 350.5 and the XA-100's take a look at my review and if you want even m... 
Pass Labs X-600 vs. X350.5 vs. SoundLabs?
First, thanks to Honest1 for your kind remarks concerning my reviews of different Pass Labs gear.Veloceracing, if you enjoy your JC-1's now, I believe you would find the 350.5 would offer another level of refinement and musicality to your system. ... 
Best audio shops in the Chicago area?
Mdrummer01, I would also recommend that you visit Audio Consultants, either the Evanston or the Hinsdale shops, and if your enamoured with tubes, besides Holm Audio, Quintessence Audio that is located in Morton Grove.I have great respect and like ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir, I have been in sonic heaven since the XA-100's have been singing their song in my system for the last 13 hours! I don't know if they will get much better as they break-in, because they sound wonderfull right now. These monoblocks are my ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir and Exilibris, thanks for sharing what you have been up to lately.Exilibris, I will find very interesting what you like better after you audition the Weiss combo compared to the EMM combo in your system.Branimir, I have heard nothing rega... 
Has anyone heard the new edge cdp?
Ashsmith, I would recommend you give a call to Neli at Audio Federation, they are Edge dealers, who will provide the information you are seeking regarding this CDP.Neli and Mike are both great people who will give you honest feedback, are very kno... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hello, to Branimir and the rest of the gang on this thread. I know that you were going to be auditioning new digital pieces and was looking forward to what your experiences have been. So, just checking in , have not heard from you in a long time. ... 
Pass Labs x350.5 & Classe ca-m400 class a power?
Tboooe, both the Pass Labs X-350.5 and Classe Cam-400 are excellent amps that offer great build quality and wonderful sonics.That being said, I have heard both in my system, and find the Pass Labs amps to offer a "musicality/natural" quality that ... 
Pass Labs x350.5 & Classe ca-m400 class a power?
Tbooe, the 350.5 has fifty watts class a before it goes into class a/b. It also offers, in its first few watts, single ended class a before it goes into regular class a watts.That's way it offers some of the "warmth/musicality" of the XA series.Do... 
Is the Pass Labs X350.5 and X1 "warm"?
Tboooe, yes, the 350.5 has a overall sonic signature that could be called "warm" or "musical" yet still has great details/dynamics/extension.I believe you asked this question before, the .5-series is a vast improvement over the first generation X-... 
which preamp sounds most transparent?
I would recommend that you consider the Placette Active Line Stage, it replaced a ML-32 reference in my system because of its transparent/dynamic/detailed, yet musical sonic signature.