
Responses from teajay

Review: Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid DAC II DA converter
Dev, Richard's Gon moniker is Hamburg. He went from a Levinson transport not a Accustic Arts to his CEC-TLOx in his system. When we talked regarding the differences it was across the board, soundstaging, dynamics, extension, liquidity, etc., and b... 
Review: Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid DAC II DA converter
Hi, Dev thanks for the information you left me regarding the Stealth Dream speaker wires, I hope to getting a pair to audition at the end of this week.Now on to your questions:1) I use the Stealth Sextet with BNC connections. I have never heard th... 
Review: S P Technology Revelation MR-l MK lll Speaker
Saygrr, SP's and Bob's number is 219 393-1116. 
Review: Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid DAC II DA converter
Mtkhl567, I use the AA transport MK11 in my system and think its a great match with the DAC. I haved tried two other very good transports and did not hear enough of a sound difference to make the change. Yes, Accustic Arts is coming out sometime t... 
Review: Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid DAC II DA converter
Mtkhl567, in the context of your world class reference system, it's quite a compliment you are giving to the sonics of the AA Tube Hybrid DAC.I have recently talked to someone who had recently listened to all the top rated digital front ends, Dcs,... 
Review: S P Technology Revelation MR-l MK lll Speaker
Saygrr, you are correct the Extreme X-overs are hugh external boxes that weigh over 40 pounds and are loaded with Mundorf caps. I have had the pleasure of living with MG-20's for over ten years and listening to many famous speakers that retail up ... 
Threadbare and grainy treble, a DAC issue?
The short answer Chris is yes, it's the Goldmund DAC that is giving you the highend shortcomings you are describing. Its been years since I have listened to Goldmund CD gear, but what you are describing is what I remember as digital gear was impro... 
Review: SP Technology Timepiece 2.1 Monitor
Vonwaffen, thanks for a very well written and enjoyable review of your Timepiece Monitors. About a couple of weeks ago I posted a review of Bob's Revelations, after going to his factory and having the pleasure of meeting him in person and being to... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Donnwags, yes my hunch is that that the lack of density or body you are experiencing, unless there is some other malfunction in the Flora which I don't think is very likely, is the tubes you are using.The original tubes were pretty crappy, lack of... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Hi Donnwags, hope you are enjoying the Flora in your system. To answer your question, it took about 200 hours for the Mondorf caps to really burn in and for the Flora to completely come "on line" and really sing.I don't know what Tung-Sol chrome t... 
Tube Pre-amp BAT, ARC, EAR, Sonic Frontiers
Snarkonmars, take a look at my review of the Flora preamp here on the GON, that will give the details why I chose it over many other highly regarded linestages. It is also a price "killer" at $3000.00 compared to much more expensive pieces that it... 
Review: NuForce 9 V2 SE Amplifier
Denf, great review, it's extremely well written, informative, and a fun read. The only D-amp I have alot of experience with are the Kharma monoblocks that I thought were quite good, better then a pair of highly regarded Lamm monoblocks, in a frien... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Take a look at my review of the Flora transformer/tube gain based preamp. I also went through a very long list of very highly regarded linestages untill I tried the Flora, and it became my new reference. I believe it might give you the sonic signa... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Hi Vuckovic, congrats on your new Flora. I would be interested in what your experience has been regarding its performance in the context of your system. Also, have you tried any NOS tubes vs. the stock tubes yet in your Flora?I still have not foun... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
Dev, I just got off the phone with Divergent Technologies, the importer of the Flora, and they are not aware of any new caps or improved RCA's that are different then the Mondorf cap upgrade or replacing RCA's with XLR's.So, what specificly were y...