

Responses from tboooe

Has Anyone heard The Boulder 1021 CD player?
Well, everyone here places a different value on things, including the differences (improvements) between cdp, pres, speakers, cables, etc. To many of us, the differences between a $2000 and a $24000 are not significant enough to warrant the extra ... 
Affordable Power Cords
I agree with the posts regarding the VD cables. I have always been a skeptical believer in cables and never put too much into power cords. Before the VD I tried Shunyata, Synergistic Research, etc and though I heard some difference, it was never e... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Thanks Arthur. For a while I really wanted to hear the Prince speakers. There is no local dealer around me though...by the way, how much are the Elixir's? 
I Ordered a Pair of SP Tech Speakers
musicfile, I totally agree. Even better, I am excited about great gear coming from Asia and Eastern Europe. 
I Ordered a Pair of SP Tech Speakers
spenceroo, have you actually received your speaker yet? If not, at this point are you recommending them just based on your interaction with the company? I am not trying to be argumentative but I just want to make sure I understand where you are co... 
I need new music....
stevewr, did you get the new Joan Osbourne album, Breakfast in Bed? If not, it is worth checking out. She has really matured as a singer with this album. 
I need new music....
Eva Cassidy, HEM, Sasha Dobson, Erin BohemeBTW, cdbaby is a great source for unknown bands. I buy a lot of my music from there. 
Best choice Classé CAM-350 vs. Halo JC1 or ML 432?
After living with the Halo A21 and the Classe CAM-400, I would go for the JC1. They provide a slightly warm sound that is also dynamic and quick. Classe has a nice sound but for my tastes, it is a bit too polite and laid back. The JC1 are awesome ... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Henry HK, I checked out Volent. Very intriguing! I am a big fan of the price/performance ratio of speaker products coming out of Asia. 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
henryhk, I too am looking at the Magico and Marten Miles. I am not sure if I can handle the price of the Magico's though. Well the Marten's are not that much better....I am intrigued by Asian based speaker manufacturers. I think they offer a bette... 
AR LS 26 and Pass Labs X350.5 Compatible?
One thing to consider is that the Pass amps have a relatively low input impedance while the ARC gear has a pretty high output impedance. Though I cant verify this, I had the nagging feeling that my Ref 3 and XA160 was not a good combo because of t... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Henryhk, thank you for the recommendation. Though I think the SF are really nice speakers, they do not fit my personal tastes and system strategy. I prefer to get the most transparent, dynamic, accurate speakers possible. Even though the SF do sou... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Henryhk, good question. In my system, my Sonos+D5 combo sounds VERY good, nearly as good as when I am listening to the cd via the P5. The main differences I hear is a bit of loss of dynamics, detail, and layering. It should be noted that I encode ... 
Amplifiers for B&W 803D/802D
I used to own the 802D. Between Classe and Mac I would pick Classe. That being said, I still felt that the Classe we too polite and smooth sounding. I would consider getting something more dynamic as B&W to me sounds slow. A real good choice a... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Bar81, you are right. I was not clear in my last post. I meant to say that I want to try and stick with monitors that have beryllium or diamond tweeters but will of course consider others.