

Responses from tboooe

Personal amp evolution
Rotel 1080 nice but it kept blowing out a channelParasound A21 very nice with a little warmthPass Labs XA 160 not quite my cup of teaAyre MX-R...hopefully done for now!!!!! 
Reaching the top and stoping
The only component in my system that is safe is my Esoteric P3/D5 transport and dac combo. Everything else is free game. 
Cary 303/300 vs. 306/200?
Michael, I owned both the 306SACD and the 303/300. first of all, the 306SACD does not have volume control. Overall, I liked the 306SACD more. It had much better bass and a more refined sound. 
What Volume do you listen at?
Ed, very well put! I also listen mostly late in the evening after my kids are asleep. I find that listening at low volumes given the right circumstances, provides me all the inner detail and subtleties that help to convey a sense of intimacy and r... 
What Volume do you listen at?
According to my RatShack SPL meter, I listen between 50-70. Anything above that and it just hurts my ears. 
Power Plant Premier vs. Hydra V-Ray Comparison
For you PS Audio Premier users, any issue with the fan turning on? My friend has one and the fan is pretty loud. 
What do you do when you listen to music?
dpac996: suck it up man! J/K I feel your pain. I have 2 kids only 1.5 years apart so I have been haggard and worn for over 4+ years!!!! I only really get to enjoy my system after my kids have gone to sleep but by then the wifey always tells me to ... 
Inex Innovation cables rids the need for amps?
LOL!!! You know me John, always looking to upgrade in search of the holy grail of audio. No component is safe in my system!Happy Holidays to you and your family too! 
What do you do when you listen to music?
I will usually warm up by surfing the web for a bit on m laptop with the system playing. Then when I am relaxed and my system is warmed up I will turn down the lights and just listen with a warm cup of coffee or a nice merlot. I find that with the... 
How many hours weekly do you listen to your system
I usually critically listen to at least 1 cd per night Mon-Thursday. On Sat-Sun I will listen for around 2 hours per day so I guess the total is 8-10 hours per week. However, my system or some other system in the house is pretty much always on str... 
Music Servers VS Excellent Transports?
ditto Walt and Bigamp. I buy cds, listen to them, then rip them. Most of them go to storage but I do keep a stash of around 50 cds handy. Because I do not encode in lossless, I do believe my transport sounds marginally better than my Sonos. Like o... 
Music Servers VS Excellent Transports?
I use both and will continue to do so. Like Mark02131 stated, the biggest benefit for me of having a music server is the ability to easily enjoy my vast cd collection. Because of the size of collection, I do not encode in a lossles format but rath... 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
Chris, remember what I said about the Sonos, it acts as a repeater so as long as you have multiple zones throughout your house, you should have no problem with a weak signal. My router is upstairs in our office which is the front right edge of my ... 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
brontox, I also upgraded to the Seagate enterprise hard drives . I also recommend Aegis.com, which is where I purchased my NAS. 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
Chris, what brontotx is what I did but with a Sonos. One piece of advice, do not skimp on the NAS storage. Get something that is designed for business use with a good RAID backup scheme and recovery software. I had my first NAS (a consumer grade u...