

Responses from tboooe

Size matters...need smaller speakers
Mitch, your findings would be of great interest to me. If you dont mind, please post your thoughts after your audition. I will be on the audition path as well. The hard part is that I hate auditioning speakers! There are just so many to choose fro... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Mitch, my current room is 15x22 but I dont expect to be staying in this room in the future. I will either move my system up to yet to made loft or into a small 12x12 den.Shadorne, thank you for the info. I was not aware of this. 75db is the steady... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
emailist, I have heard my system in a bigger room with what I feel are inferior electronics. The soundstage was high, wide, and enveloping. 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
good points newbee. Visual impact is also a consideration for me. 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Thanks for the responses everyone. It seems I have a lot of choices to sort through. I forgot to mention one other requirement for me is low volume performance. I rarely listen above 75db so a speaker's ability to sound its best at low volume is c... 
Your First Concert was.....
WOW! There are some awesome bands listed! Unfortunate that many were before my time. Not sure how representative this thread is but it definitely implies that audiophiles on this site are from a generation before mine. This is not meant as an insu... 
Confusion re Esoteric X-01 Limited and X-01D2
Great question Guido. I feel the same way. I guess the sonic differences will also be due to the other quality parts in the D2. Whether or not these differences are worth double the price is really up to the individual. 
Confusion re Esoteric X-01 Limited and X-01D2
frankg, I have heard the same thing. The VRDS NEO in its various incarnation is inferior at least from the materials point of view to the original VRDS used in the X-01. Now, whether or not this makes a difference is another matter. I believe this... 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
I recently discovered Sasha Dobson and Erin Boheme. 
Your First Concert was.....
Depeche Mode at the LA Coliseum in 1998 during the live recording of the "101" album. It was an incredible day with opening acts OMD, Thomas Dolby, and Wire Train. This was back in the day when the local alternative radio station, KROQ was in its ... 
Confusion re Esoteric X-01 Limited and X-01D2
I wonder if the differences between the D2 and P5D5 has more to do with the inferior transport versus the dacs? I personally believe the transports can have a huge impact on the sound. This is why I got the P3 transport instead of the P5 transport... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
George, et al: I have the Esoteric D5 dac. I do not entirely agree that the D5 dac will only work at its best with the P3 or P5 transport. Esoteric does use a unique way of decoding SACD sound via dual XLR connections. In this sense, to get the be... 
Tube Preamps...I'm sold
hey John! Remember my original post said I was sold on the Einstein The Tube. As you know, I did not want to spend that money so I "settled" on the ARC Ref 3. Perhaps if I had spent the big bucks and got the Einstein, I would still be sold on tube... 
Vandersteen 5a vs. B&W 802D vs. Maggie 3.6 vs.?
I used to own the BW 802D speaker and for certain applications and tastes, they could be great. I thought they had a wonderful midrange that made especially made female voices sound magical, albeit at the expense of a bit of coloration and warmth.... 
Review: Virtual Dynamics Power 3 - Sixth Anniversary Edition Power cord
I have to agree with you. I tried the Power 3 on my MBL 5011 DAC and was amazed at how much my soundstage grew. Not only did the soundstage get wider but now the music sounds like it is enveloping me, instead of sounding like it was only coming fr...